6: Rubber Boots - Socks

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Author's Note:
Happy New year!

June 19th

Blitzo was knee-deep within piles and piles of research paper. His elbows pressed against the desk, forcing his back to hunch over. Camera evidence replayed on Blitzo's monitor again and again.

To the side of the keyboard, Blitzo's coffee remained untouched. The cup's motto which was written beside an image of a sleeping pony , Take a break! , was long forgotten. Blitzo was hard wired to solve this case, no matter what.

Loona's life is on the line. Blitzo reminded himself at any second he got tired.

Exactly three days ago, Rosie had given Blitzo the permission to join the investigation to find his daughter. In the process, hopefully Blitzo would track down Velvet too. Velvet... that name made Blitzo's blood boil with rage. He hated that twisted physco and pursued her for two years, two long years... Even though Velvet's unpredictability irked Blitzo, there was an obvious pattern to her victims and locations. Blitzo, being the idiot he was, ignored this obvious information.

Blitzo knew Velvet killed women, ages from five to thirty in locations out of sight from cameras. Other than that, Blitzo did not try harder to pin-point who Velvet was, as he got burdened with smaller tasks like solving burglaries or drug cases.

Only now after years of chasing Velvet, Blitzo felt the guilt and anger weigh down on him. He should have nipped Velvet at the bud, instead of allowing her to flower into a bigger problem. That psycho took his daughter and Blitzo felt the urgency of the situation like a cold gun pressed against his head.

Not in a thousand years would Blitzo allow anyone in his family to get hurt by Velvet. She was Blitzo's problem, not his family's.

Blitzo recalled June 16th like it was yesterday. Rosie had brought him to a small room, occupied with desks, monitors and a whiteboard. Moxxie was engrossed in a file. Theodore was bringing in a stack of paper. There was another police officer, one that Blizo did not recognize, looking through photographic evidence. She was probably a third rank police officer, soon to be detective.

Deputy Rosie tapped Blitzo's shoulder and blunty told him his job, "You will solely focus on investigating the murder patterns of Velvet along with Moxxie. You will be called if you are needed for an on scene investigation. That means you are not allowed to interact with witnesses or on scene investigation unless you have permission from me. Am I clear?"

"Clear as glass, Deputy Chief Rosie," Blitzo said. He stood straight,"I'm guessing I start now?"

"Don't get too excited Detective Blitzo," Rosie said, tilting her head. "You have vital information you need to catch up on."

She had said his name again with an 'o' but Blitzo was too focused on the opportunity of saving his daughter to care.

Rosie led Blitzo to an empty desk, "You will be working here."

Rosie sat down on the black office chair with elegance and pristine posture. On the computer, she loaded up footage of a fancy smancy hallway. There were golden rose lamps and a shiny marble floor. It was the whole regal set-up. Rosie glanced back at Blitzo," This right here is the footage of the hallway that leads to the restrooms."

Rosie looked back at the computer screen. Her long veiny finger pointed at the archways at the very end of the hallway, which was almost completely blocked out with pink.

"Here is the women's restroom, where the girl's body was found dead," Rosie said. She sighed, taking her finger away.

"Unfortunately, the physical camera has been tampered with. The lens is scratched and smeared with pink lipstick, Velvet must have a personal vendetta against us poor police. You are a great detective Blitzo, I believe you will be able to spot any potential suspects," Rosie said.

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