6: Rubber Boots - Holes

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Tomorrow, when Blitzo's old bones fill with energy, he will corner Alastor. Blitzo will make him talk.


Velvet flipped the light switch. One by one, each cell lit up in the long hallway. The place resembled a prison, with concrete floor and iron bars. The only stark difference was the smell. Everywhere was dosed with a perfume that stunk like jasmine and sweet candy. Soft groans, cries and shouts, all feminine, echoed in the hallway.

Loona immediately felt sick to her stomach but she wasn't a weak girl. Loona knew hardship. She learned about morbid cases and the crazies out there. Loona researched the occult and had tried summoning Satan a couple of times, to no avail.

"Welcome to my lair!" Velvet's hand yanked the leash. The collar around Loona's neck was pulled forward. Loona stumbled, scraping her knees against the concrete floor. Loona winced, the blindfold impaired her sight.

"What the fuck do you want," Loona hissed.

"To introduce you to my lair, bitch. Didn't you hear me the first time, bae?" Velvet said. She whipped her pigtails around, shaking her head obnoxiously.

"Stand up. I need to introduce you to my girlies," Velvet said. Loona sneered. She stood up and kicked to the side, but all she hit was air. Velvet had side stepped, patting Loona's head gently.

The two bodyguards beside Velvet laughed sardonically, but they said not a word. They merely acted as two flesh walls behind her.

"Feisty, I like it. People would pay a pretty penny to have you," Velvet said. She dragged Loona behind her as she walked through the hallway. Her little red heels clacked against the floor.

"You hear that, Loony?" Velvet said. She walked towards the bars of one of the cells, eyeing the poor woman and girls inside. They were all blonds, dressed in skimpy clothing. A girl was crying, hiding behind an older woman.

"Pathetic aren't they?" Velvet hissed.

A blonde teen lunged at the cell bars, hands grabbing Velvet's arm. Her face was smeared with grime and bruises, but her eyes were filled with determination.

"Please— Please let me go! Let me go! I have so much to do— I want to be an astronaut! Please I have dreams! My mother misses me, and my father—"

"Shut up," Velvet said, monotone. The teenager cried out in pain.




Was the sound of the teenager's fingers twisting and breaking under Velvet's skilled hands. Loona flinched at the sound, but she was as stubborn as Blitzo.

"It was your choice to become pretty. You'd promised you'd do anything for your beauty. Why are you saying things that never mattered to you bae? Why? Awe... Now look at you, all pathetic, sad and whiny, " Velvet said. She yanked the girl's hand out, exposing the teenager's thighs. There, tattooed on her inner leg was a barcode.

"Scan her," Velvet said. Loona pulled on her collar, but her leash was tightly wrapped around Velvet's wrist. A body guard walked forward holding a scanner. The girl trembled, and pushed, trying to get away, but Velvet never let her go. Like a cat holding down the mouses' tail, she allowed the girl to wriggle, but never ever escape. What point would there be to let the girl escape and cause another mess?

In a quick flash of red, the girl was scanned with the barcode reader.

"She's the one for tomorrow's shipment for Customer n.2845 ," the bodyguard said mildly.

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