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Cliche- Mxmtoon

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Cliche- Mxmtoon



My eyes start to slowly open, feeling heavy from sleep. Once they were adjusted to the light shining in from my windows I looked around the room, noticing that Karl was no longer with me.

He probably went to his own room after I fell asleep last night.


I hear my phone go off again. I sit up in my bed, leaning over to my bedside table to pick up my phone and unplug it from its charging cord.

I press the home button to see a text message from an unknown number.

I open my phone up and click on the messages app.



hi!!! i wasn't sure how long to wait
before texting you
oh by the way this is Emery :)

glad you didn't make me wait to long

Emery :)
you can't say those types of things
or you're going to make me fall in
love with you!!!

oh sorry i wont

Emery :)
ok well I do have to go cause i have
Work in a couple minutes but I'll text
you later
or you could text me later?

I Will!!
Have fun at work!


I turn my phone off and stand up, stretching a bit before walking out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen, where I found a very smiley Karl, sitting with a bowl of captain crunch in front of him.

"Good Morning!" I say to him as I look through the fridge for something to eat. I just grab a pear I had bought just the week prior, take off the sticker and wash it, before sinking my teeth into the soft fruit.

It had been about thirty seconds and Karl hadn't responded yet. Hmm peculiar . "Good Morning" I repeat myself.

"Good morning" he mumbles back, still a giant smile on his face.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" he just giggles in response, a faint blush appearing on his face.

'Its fucking candle girl isn't it"

"I texted Cameron about an hour ago and we've been texting since. She's even more perfect than I thought possible." I grit my teeth into the pear. "Not only is she gorgeous, but she has an amazing sense of style and music taste. AND she loves minecraft. And the best of it all, she has no idea who I am so she isn't just talking to me because I'm Mr. Beast's friend." scrambled words, painting her in technicolor.

"Wow she sounds amazing."

"Robbie, are you ok, you sound sad." He asked me, putting his phone down for the first time since I've been here."

"Ya, I'm fine, just tired." I try to cover. "Now eat your cereal. It's going to get soggy."

"Yes mommy..." We just look at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing, "I meant mom, I meant mom" he says in between giggles.

"Ya sure you did" I say as our laughter starts to calm down. "Anyways, I have to go work now. Have fun." I tell him, walking out of the kitchen and down the hall, into my office.


I let out a large breath as I closed my eyes for a minute, to let the rest from the blue light. I open them again and open my phone to see the time.

2:38 pm

"I'm starving" I say to myself.

I check twitch to make sure that Karl wasn't streaming before screaming, "KKAAARRLLLLLLL"

"YEEAAHHH?" I hear him scream back before appearing in my doorway.

"I haven't eaten like anything all day, I'm gonna order some food, do you want any?" I ask him.

"Ya sure, what are you getting?" he asks.

"I'm thinking of getting street tacos."

"Ya get me like five" he replies before leaving out the door, and I pull up uber eats on my phone.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you," He says reappearing in my doorway, "I was just on call with Sapnap and Punz, and Sapnap is going to come here in a couple of days, is that ok with you?"

"Ya that's fine" I tell him while still ordering the food.

"Love you: He tells me as he starts to walk away.

"Love you too." I shout at him down the hall.

I finished ordering my food, and got back to the article I was currently working on.


Word count: 722

Word count: 722

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Moved On - Karl Jacobs X ocWhere stories live. Discover now