Part Five

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Sam was trying to get a hold of Abigail, but there was no answer. "Why can't she just pick up the phone!" Sam said furiously "Maybe she's also mad at you- "Shut the fuck up Dean" He dialled her number again, seeing if anything would happen, but of course, no answer.

"You know what Dean, you try" "What?" Dial her number, right now" "Dude, she's definitely not gonna pick up, I'm pretty sure she blocked my number" "Just try for the love of god!" Dean grabbed his phone and dialled her number, once again, no answer. "Told ya" Dean said putting his phone back.

Abigail was trying to make her phone work, but it died before she could call the boys. She looked around the library and found a flashlight. She pressed the button and it turned on "Yes!" She looked around, at the old books, pictures, everything!

She saw a really old desk with a big fancy book on it. She walked up to it and saw a symbol of a skull, "Definitely not reading that" She climbed up the ladder to the second for, it was just a deck wrapped around the whole building. She looked at few more books, and then she jumped.

She turned at the door, something was trying to break in. She hit behind a bookshelf, as soon as she got low, the door busted open. "Is there anyone in here?" Somebody said "Uh, yeah there is" Abigail said "Well, you know you're not allowed in here" "I'm quite aware of that" "Then what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" "Research..." "That was the biggest lie ever, where are you?"

Abigail stood up and saw Jordan. "Jordan?" "Abigail?" She climbed down the ladder and ran to him, she gave him a hug. He was confused but he hugged back, "I thought you were staying at the hotel?" Abigail said letting go of him "I'm finally going home, just passing through town for a few things, why are you here? Where's your friends?"

"We kinda split up" "Oh? How come?" "It's hard to explain" "I see, are you staying here tonight?" "Yeah, it's kinda cozy" "You know you can stay in my truck until I leave" "No it's okay, trust me, I think that my friends will come back to me soon" "Okay, if they don't, you have my number"

He waved bye and walked out of the library. As soon as the doors shut, Abigail pushed a bookshelf in front of the door so no one could open it. She walked to the paranormal section and started to look for a good book.

"Hello Abby" Abigail threw the book at the voice, but it hit the wall. It was the ghost "Jesus, dude, you can't just scare me like that!" "I am truly sorry" "It's okay, but how are you here?" "This town is filled with paranormal creatures, such as ghosts" "So, I'm basically safe? That thing that was chasing me wasn't the spirit thingy?" "No, it was me, I tried to keep up with you, but you were too fast"

"Okay, why are you here now?" "Why are you not with the Winchester's?! I give you one rule and you disobey me?!" "Listen, ghost, Dean was being a cunt, so I left" "That's fair, are you staying here the whole night?" "I'm planning on it" "Okay, I set up a book bed, close to the old computers" "Thanks... I guess...?" "Abby, that spirit is looking for you"

"Still?! I thought it was over!!" "There is an ouija board by your bed" Abigail ran to the book bed and saw the board on the desk beside it "Fuck" She walked up to the board, before she touched the planchette, the ghost stopped her.

"Once you say goodbye, I'll be gone too" "What?!" "I'm sorry, you also need to talk to this spirit" The ghost faded away. Abigail put her fingers on the planchette and asked some questions...

"Is there any spirit talking to me?" She asked,


"Is this the spirit who wants to kill me?"



B E C A U S E  Y O U  A R E  A  L O T  P O W E R F U L  T H E N  Y O U  T H I N K

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