Field Trip

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I was eating a banana when I totally forgot about Jane and Gabe. They had both invited me to go to their house, and I was more than glad to be invited, but I had to make sure of something first.

"Hey, Jerald! Where did you put the telephone?"

He moved it again. "What?"

"I said, where did you-- oh, here it is." I picked it up and unfolded the little piece of paper Jane gave me. I slowly dialed the number, carefully. I tried to dial a number superfast last time, but that did not go well. But that's a story for another time.

Jane POV

I was reading some sort of book when I heard the phone ring. "I'll get it!" I ran down the stairs. "That's okay, honey, but make sure it's not some sort of stranger."

"Got it, Mom!"

I picked up and a strange voice came up.

"Hi, is Jane Thomas speaking?"

"Uh.... yeah."

"I'm here for your credit car number. You have a dent in your automobile."

I laughed. "I'm not dumb. I know it's you, Geff."

"No. I'm an answering machine. Beeeeeep."

"Stop it."

"Oh, okay."

I twirled my hair with one finger. "So, why did you call me?" I asked. A weird sound came over the other end. "Shhhh." He was whispering now. "Is your uncle home?" Okay, this is random... "Uh, no. Why?"

He talked normally now. "Ok, good. Also, don't worry about it. What about Gabe?" I said 'yes' and he said 'cool.' "Hey, you're missing my point. Why did you even call me? Because I don't have any friends that call to check up on my relatives."

Geff POV

"I'm just calling to ask..." I was choked up. "Yes?"

"If I could come over to your house." I heard a gasp as soon as I finished the sentence. "Really?? Like, for real?"

"Yes, for real."

"Heh. You're funny."

"I know."

Then I hung up. That answer was so stupid! I wonder what she's thinking, a hobo that says he's gonna come over but at the end doesn't. I tried not to think about it. But one side of me says that I have to do something about it.

And my mind's never wrong.

Jane POV

Wow. Now that was exciting. First, I'm chilling nicely, and now Geff's coming over? What a good day.

When I turned to go back to my room, Gabe was leaning against the wall, wearing a smug expression on his face. "Hey Jane, did your boyfriend call you?" I groaned. "He's not my boyfriend," I snapped. "Yeah. Whatever."

He trudged back to his room, and I did so too. "Better write this in one of my entries," I mumbled to myself. Opening the closet door, my diary wasn't there.


Geff POV

Darn. Why didn't I tell Jerald about this? He needed to come with me. We're brothers, after all. "Hey, Jerald!" I called. He came out of the bathroom and responded with a quick "What?"

"Hey, so you know that day when you went to sleep after tilling the field?"

"Ehhh... yeah. Bad sunburn."

"So while you were asleep I went to the lake to catch a fish. And while I was there, I met this girl. She invited me to her house. SO.... I just wanted to ask you if you wanna tag along." He thought for a moment. "You know what? Sure. Doesn't look like I have anything else in mind." That was great. But we need permission... "Mom!"

"Yes, Geff?"

"Can we go to our friend's house?"

She stayed quiet. "Oh, and it's a girl," I quickly added. "Certainly! If there's any chemistry, tell me." She winked. "Mom."

"Okay, okay! Sorry."

Geff and JeraldWhere stories live. Discover now