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I Stepped Inside and ..Father already waited for me. I Put my Hand behind my Back. Is today Something Special that i forgot or...? Oh Shit what If the Teacher told him.

"Hello Travis."

I gulped and looked at father.

My father glared at me before speaking.

"I dont Like your begaviour latley. You barley wake Up on Point, you seem absent, you Punch people and Last week you were late for church 3 Times."

"Im sorry sir, i will try that this doesnt eve-"
I felt a slap, and i swallowed down my Tears.

"TRY? You will make sure that wont Happen again."

Shit i Just want to Go. But it has to be done my father Just. .wants to Help me. But- isnt this a Bit..Too rough? No this is right. Im Just getting what i deserve.

I nodded looking Up at my father, trying to Control my shaking But this time i couldnt. Fucking Shit.

"Now you will be Punished for your begaviour and the sins youve done while Doing so. Ten Minutes, basement."

I Just nodded. I have No Idea what other Sin i have done then hurting someone But..He Must be right. That would already Be Bad enough. I just- i dont want to Go into the basement, its horrible i dont want to i dont want to im sorry cant i Just Pray god to forgive me or is that Not enough? Please i- oh fuck i am patethic.

"Father i Understand i Made mistakes and Sinned b-but can i try to clean myself Any other w-way i dont want to-.. p-please"

I Tried Not to cry and i panicked, this could be really risky.

"Are you asking for a smaller punishment for the Things you have done Phelps?!??"

He glared at me, the typical disgusted and angry face again. Fuck this was stupid i-

"N-no im sorry sir"

OUCH SHIT! Before i could even think of anything Else He punched me on my fucking eye. I Covered my eye Now crying. No No No this is Just getting worse and worse. My breath Started to get heavier and i Just felt myself covering my head and kneeling on the ground. Shit Not this again this is horrible No fuck.


No Shit it is patethic i behave Like a little child Just stand Up you idiot please! I Tried to stand Up But i Just couldnt. I shaked more and my breaths became even more Out of Control. This is Bad, why cant i Just Accept what i deserve?! Just Stop Being a patethic dumbass! I cant i cant please Stop everything Just STOP.

"You are hopless. Lets Stop this Nonsense and free you from the sins you commited."

He grabbed me by my Leg and i suddenly screamed as a Response. That Never happend before. Oh Shit No No No STOP STOP JUDT STOP PLEASE!!

"ARE YOU POSSESED BY THE DEVIL? oh der god save this child"

What?!? IM NOT POSSESED HELP HELP ME PLEASE JUST HELP ME ive sinned i have done wrong i Just. Please please! I cant even think straight i cant Just- im patethic im Bad i Need Help please.

I felt my fathers grip tighten and then i Fell down the stairs, hitting my head. My breath Started to get heavier and my Hand was shaking uncontrolably now.
My father Said nothing as He Chained me Up, my Pullover and Shirt laying on the ground, father infront of me with His belt and a bible next to him. I Just closed my eyes. I felt the belt hitting my Body, and i Started Bleading after a hour. A hour? Two? I cant Tell. The Last Thing i can remember is my father beating me Up with His bear hands, saying a prayer and Putting Holy watter over me before He freed me from the chains. I was now in my room. Father is now in church and He will be gone Till 22:30. I Need Help. Some of my wounds are still Bleading and parts of my Pullover are bloody. I Have No Idea how my face or Body Looks Like i Just Know its Bleeding and probaply bruised. And Not bandaged. Nothing at all. Shit who- who could I Go to?! Devinitly Not to the doctor. Shit...the only Person i know is- Larry. But why should He even Help me?!? We Hate eachother. I would rather die then ask him for Help. But i Had No other Options...i dont want to die. But i dont want to Go to Larry. I barley Had the Energy to think. This could be the crayziest Idea i ever Had. But i Need Help. I feel Like dying right now. I dragged myself Out of the room, and walked to the Addison Apartments. Shit what the fuck am i Doing right now? Im crazy. O fucking Shit you Need a Keycard to get down. FUCKING SHIT PLEASE! there is no way im going to Walk around asking for one. I Just sat down on the floor, still shaky and i Tried Not to cry. This IS a Nightmare. I stayed Like this for...Like ten Minutes before i Heard someone.

Me,god,father, and this stupid idiotWhere stories live. Discover now