fucking annoying

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(this is really short sorry😭 the next chapters will He more again promise<3)

I woke Up with the biggest headache ever. Day is already fucking ruined. I stretched myself wich i probaply shouldnt have because everything hurted. I stood Up And Tried to Change myself wich honestly was a Challenge. Everything over my waist hurted. I dragged myself downstairs and Made myself breakfast Like every mornig. A few Minutes later my Dad apeared.
"I Hope you learned a Lesson Yesterday and are now free From Sin"
I mean yes probaply...i Tried to forget that i went to Larry for Help. That- never even happend. I couldnt think straight at that Moment and lost alot of blood.

"Yes father"

He Just nodded and went away again. Still this glare. "Dont you dare do anything wrong travis". Thats all i can See on His face. I went to school trying...to Not think of anything to be honest. Not about how loud it is. Not about what happend Yesterday. Not about Larry. Not about the guilt i feel. Not about my headache. Not about my whole Body hurting. Not about me Most likley failing school because i Fall asleep the whole time and dont understand anything. Not about me Being stupid. Not about me Being a failure. So i didnt. I was Just...empty. Sometimes i Wonder what is better.. Feeling horrible or Feeling nothing at all. I walked to class And on the hallway i saw Larry. And instead of him looking at me with and annoyed face He... Smiled at me? Just for a Moment though. What the fuck was that? Uhg i Hope He doesnt think we are Friends now. Going to Larry was a big mistake. I got into my class And..Fell asleep right away. There is Just too much and nothing at all right now. And im tired. I woke Up, everyone already Outside for Lunch. Now If No teacher Reports this to father i Must be lucky. Lets Just Hope i am. Fucking Idiots. Couldnt Atleast someone woken me Up? Atleast Larry with throwing a paper ball at me or some shit?? I dont know. I got to eat my Lunch before its to late. Oh fucking hell. Larry sat down beside me. How can someone be possibly this annoying??

"What the fuck do You want Johnson? Go away"

He Just Said nothing and ate His Lunch, looking at me, Back at His Lunch and flipping me Off. uhrg I hate him i Hate him i Hate him. What is that even about? Is this a dare or some Shit?!

"Did you hear me fuckhead?"

"Loud and clear travis"

Travis? This is new and i dont Like it. I hate this. Cant He Just leave?? Im Feeling weird again. What the fuck is it??? Maybe Larrys Weed stinks so much it affects me. Or Hes Just so annoying.

"Then why dont you leave already Johnson?! Dont think we are Friends or anything after Yesterday"

"I dont. I still Hate you. Im Just Not an asshole"

"Then leave already"

"Fine If you insist Phelps"
Finally. Him and His Shit- everything is finally gone and i can eat in fucking Peace. What the hell even was that? Doesnt He have His Freak homo Friends to hang Out with? Uhrg Hes Just so fucking annoying. I Tried to also Not think about that, it doesnt Help with my headache. Lunch was over and i quickly ate Up before rushing in my next class. Luckily i could stay Up that class But the Second one i Fell asleep for a few Minutes. What the fuck is wrong with me? I cant think clearly right now. School was over and when i got Home nothing happend. I Said hello to dad and got to my room, practicing Piano a while But i gave Up a Minute later because im to tired to concentrade on that. So what i did: i layed on my bed, trying Not to think about today and Yesterday and sleeped. I had a whole weekend to think about this shit for now.

Me,god,father, and this stupid idiotWhere stories live. Discover now