Chapter 7

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Hello my snowflakes!  I wanted to thank you all for your support, so here's a (slightly) longer chapter than usual!  If you want to see an awesome trailer for this story look at the last chapter.  If you want to see some AMAZING deleted scenes from Thor, look to the side of this chapter!  I highly recommend watching it, it'll help you visualize Loki and Thor better in this story.  Also when Loki puts his head in his hands, look at the gif on the side ;)

Chapter 7

S.H.I.E.L.D. Central, Detainment Cell 1A; New York, New York

"If you want I can get an agent to show you the way-" Agent Mason started.

"No I wish to stay," Thor straightened his chair and pulled it a little closer. " I have quite a few things I would like answered as well. That is," he looked uncertain, "if you do not mind?"

"It's fine, just do try and stay awake."

"I am certain that you're answers will be more entertaining than my brother's." Thor gave her a smile that only grew when he saw Loki's expression. Agent Mason gave a weak half smile in return, before settling back in her own seat.

"Are you ready to begin?" Loki's voice was a mixture of amusement and impatience. Agent Mason sighed and nodded once. "Very well, what is your involvement in the petty - hem, I mean heroes."

"The Avenger Initiative? This is the extent of it."

"Oh really?" Loki sounded surprised.

"The official part, yes." Agent Mason didn't offer any more information, nor did it look like there would be any forthcoming.

"Is this how it is going to be?" Loki asked.

"If you mean me answering your questions, then yes."

"She sounds like you, brother." Thor chuckled.

"I do not." Agent Mason said at the same time Loki said-

"She does not." They gave each other a side-long glance before shaking their heads in unison.

"If you say so," Thor cocked his head to the side, and smiled disarmingly, "it is my turn. If you aren't a part of this so-called 'initiative' what is your part in S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Interesting question, truth is- I don't have a part. I kind of just float around wherever I'm needed."

"Float?" Thor sounded confused.

"I'm not necessarily a part of any one sector, since there aren't exactly more people with my...abilities running around. I just go wherever Fury tells me."

"And what do your abilities entail?" Loki leaned forward an narrowed his eyes, "Besides the obvious."

"By the obvious, I'm assuming you mean mind-reading." Agent Mason looked thoughtful, "There must be a better term for that..." She trailed off before snapping back to the present. "Well, as you know that particular one is touch sensitive. Empathy is just an extension of that, only there isn't any contact required. Its just general feelings I get from others."

"To what degree?" Loki steepled his fingers.

"As I explained to your brother," she gave Thor a sideways glance, "its reliant on how well I know someone. For example, I've been in your mind so you are slightly easier to read than him." Agent Mason nodded towards Thor.

"I see, so tell me, what am I thinking?"

"Feeling." She corrected, automatically. "You're intrigued, but slightly confused. Thor," she paused, and smiled to herself. "is impressed. Thank you. I can do some things with technology, its not really extensive though. I'm also able to influence actions and thoughts, that hasn't been tested fully, though I'm quite sure its not to the extent of your stick."

Loki raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"Fury's words not mine." Agent Mason at least had the decency to look abashed.

"He isn't very fond of me, is he?"

"Not particularly, but he'll come around. That is," she gave Loki a pointed look, "if you prove you're innocent."

"Is that not what you told him?" Thor questioned.

Agent Mason looked slightly uncomfortable, "Yes," she began slowly, "and he'll take my word for the time being, but actions are the ultimate proof for him."

"Well I'll try not to take over the world." Loki said, in an attempt to add a little levity to the conversation. "Next question. Have you ever explored the dear director's mind?"

"I wouldn't say 'explored' but there have been a few incidents." Agent Mason didn't provide any details, so Thor spoke up before Loki could push for any.

"Do you have any friends here?"

"Agents do not have friends, too much risk." she gave the distinct impression that the words were being quoted. "But no one listens to that rubbish, so the answer is yes."

"Alright, would you be so kind to give us their names?" Loki said, not particularly expecting an answer.

"You've met a few."

"Are you doing this on purpose?" Loki asked.

"Doing what?" Agent Mason said, innocently.

"Forgive my brother, he's just upset his silver tongue's turn to lead." Thor was trying to hide his smile at Loki's annoyance.

"Don't quote Volstagg at me." Loki put his head in his hand.

"Volstagg?" Agent Mason asked, curiously. "Warriors Three?" The two gods looked up in surprise.

"Yes." Thor said slowly, "What do you know about them?"

"Some," she looked slightly embarrassed, "when I was little most of my favorite stories were mythology." She shrugged, "I took a few classes on it in college. It all interested me; Greek, Roman, and Norse" she paused to nod to Thor and Loki, "I suppose its not all myths though."

"I guess not." Thor said, smiling.

"I was-". Agent Mason stopped and groaned before walking over to the door. She turned, and gave Loki a quick once-over.

"You're about to get extremely annoyed, but try your best not to kill him- I have enough paperwork already." She pressed her hand to the scanner and typed a short code which opened the reinforced steel. "Mr. Stark, Captain-to what do we owe this pleasure?" Steve shrugged as Tony brushed past her on his way in.

"No idea. I was on my way to the gym and he said he'd show me the way." Steve said, waiting for a nod of consent from Agent Mason before entering.

"And you believed him?" Her voice clearly conveyed that she didn't think that was the case.

"So I'm incapable of being kind out of the goodness of my heart?" Tony asked.

"Yes." Four voices answered together.

"Guilty. But not the point," he turned to Agent Mason and gave her a searching look, "I read your report."

"Took you that long?" She asked, amused. "Was it at least entertaining?"

"Very actually, but a few points didn't quite make sense." Tony started typing on his phone.

Steve sighed and pulled a chair over before sinking into it. "None of it makes sense to anyone but you two, so before you go off about whatever it is- could you tell us so we can not listen easier?"

"I think you'll find this interesting enough to listen to, Capcicle." Tony flicked his screen and a projection appeared on the wall. "This," he tapped twice, bringing up a document file, "is her report from last week. I'll save you all of the unnecessary details, seeing as she was very thorough." Agent Mason shrugged noncommittally. "She places herself in Britain for most of the extent of our experience."

"But you didn't believe her." Steve didn't make it a question.

"Not without proof. So I decided to check with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database." He waited for a reaction to his perceived accomplishment. He was met with blank stares, save one.

"I might have underestimated you." Agent Mason said with a small smile.

"More than you think." Tony said smugly.

"Not that much."

Tony stared at her for a moment before blinking hard and refocussing on what had been happening. "For those of you that don't appreciate the significance of that, I'll spell it out for you. It. Was. Hard. Understand? S.H.I.E.L.D. Doesn't let just anyone look at those files."

"And you aren't a part of the group they do." Agent Mason muttered under her breath, but loud enough that everyone heard her.

Tony ignored her comment, "The problem was that there wasn't any video of Miss Mason from that time. In Great Britain or anywhere for that matter."

"And that's why we're sitting here? You failed? I can't say I'm surprised-" Steve started.

"That's not the interesting part. While JARVIS was finishing up a little quest for some background information, I decided to see if I could find any other footage of Miss Mason here." After a gesture from Tony, small video boxes expanded covering each of the walls of the cell. With another tap, they all began playing.

Sorry for the terrible ending, but I wanted to give you guys something :)  I have packed so much foreshadowing in the last seven chapters it is unbelievable!  Thanks to seriouslybro7 for some of the questions! I NEED YOUR HELP!  So I've been trying to decide if Coulson should be alive in this fic.  I think the whole thing was staged in the Avengers to get them to work together (Coulson is too BA to die), but it could make this story harder to write.  Also, do you like Loki/Sif or Loki/Jane?  Keep voting and commenting!  Let's get to 10k reads and #1 Action! 

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