Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Silence was dominant in the room. More than a few had been slightly taken aback at seeing a dead man effectively in front of them. They each overcame the shock at different times, but all unfailingly watched the supposed murderer of the same man for a reaction.

Seemingly unaware of the looks he was receiving, Loki stared straight ahead. Being a who-knows-how-old god of lies and deception, most were unaware of the inner turmoil he was having. Two, however, could get a fair idea. Thor had grown up with Loki, and had become quite adept at reading his face. Agent Mason was trained in subtle body language, with the obvious addition of being a mind reader and empath. With a silent nod of agreement Thor placed a large hand on Loki's shoulder and Agent Mason broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Do you have any other videos, Stark?"

"What?" Tony seemed to break himself out of his thoughts, "Oh, yes. You're up next, Capcicle." Another video appeared on the wall, and without further comment- Tony pressed play. A large room materialized- empty, save a smaller closed-in room complete with windows. The walls opposite the windows were made to look like a normal New York City view, albeit an outdated one. Tony turned up the volume all the way and the muted sound of a sports broadcast could be heard.

A small group of people stepped onscreen, all headed towards the mock room. Two stood out in the sea of black uniforms and masks. One was sitting in the room with them, easily recognizable from the back by her long curly hair. The other was the only one in white. A closer look found her to be dressed and styled as a woman would have been in the 1940's. She entered the room alone and there was some muffled conversation, the viewers unconsciously leaned forward- Tony had already turned the volume as high as it would go. Thus, when they could finally make out some words- there was a fair bit of startled jumps.

"Who are you?" The guards had already stepped through the doorway. There was barely a moment's pause before they exited through a rather unconventional method. The wall. Agent Mason moved herself around the corner just in time, the spot she had just vacated was now covered in rubble and limp bodies. Steve jumped out of the hole and after looking around briefly, ran through the large doors.

"Captain Rogers, wait!" The unknown agent yelled after him. Then into her walkie talkie, "All agents, code 13. I repeat all agents, code 13." There were a few shouts through the open door before the wall went blank again. The audience blinked and looked to Steve for an explanation.

"That was right after I woke up for the first time. They had a game playing on the radio that I had been at what to me was a month ago. The lady wouldn't answer me when I asked where I was and then those men came in, and well- I kind of panicked." He looked down sheepishly. "Sorry," he said, looking at Agent Mason, "I didn't see you there."

"It's alright; I would have been surprised if you did. No harm done at any rate." She shrugged her shoulders before turning to face Tony again. "Was that the last one?"

"There are a few others, but they're pretty minor," he looked appraisingly at her, "Why?"

She shrugged again, "Just thought you might find one in particular interesting." She held out her hand expectantly, glancing meaningfully at his phone. With and exaggerated sigh, he complied. Agent Mason began tapping the screen with her right hand, using her left to cover the other side from unwanted eyes. She stayed like that for a few minutes, occasionally biting her lip or glaring at the transparent device. Tony let this go on for a few moments, his ever-present smirk becoming more pronounced.

"Having trouble?" Tony asked, condescendingly.

"What?" Agent Mason looked up, "Oh, no I'm fine. I had the video ages ago; I was just trying to beat your high score on Angry Birds." Tony's smile shrunk a little, but didn't disappear.

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