Chapter 3

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Hello my wonderful snowflakes!  There seems to be a lot of you outside my window... perhaps trying to get me to update?  Well it worked.... Yeah I'm wierd, but if you haven't figured that out then, well, actually... I don't know.  I need people's opinions, Jane isn't staying with (not that they were ever 'together' to begin with) Thor. I thought about killing her off (MWAHAHA) but I'm not totally repulsed by her character. What do you want to happen to her?  Merry (late) Christmas and a Happy New Year!

                                                                  Chapter 3

S.H.I.E.L.D. Central Conference; New York, New York

“Loki is,” Fury muttered something that sounded suspiciously like ‘apparently’, ”innocent.”

“So says a little girl.”

“That ‘girl’ happens to be a trusted agent-“

“That could have been under Loki’s influence.”

“Agent Mason has not been in contact with Loki before today.”

“Yes, that’s right.  Where was she a week ago?  It might-no it would have saved lives if she would have helped.  That is still assuming she isn’t being controlled by Loki.”

“Agent Mason-“

“Is right here and appreciates not being talked about like she isn’t.”  The aforementioned agent said calmly walking in the door.  Fury only looked mildly surprised as she took a seat at the table.

 “Agent,” he said nodding his head slightly in acknowledgement, “I was informed you were resting.”

“I was,” she grimaced, “nasty thing- sedative.  But I’m up now, so I thought I’d come put Mr. Stark’s “she paused, glancing at the gathered super heroes, “-and a few other’s minds at rest.”  Fury blinked once and the corners of his mouth twitched upward slightly.  He sat back at motioned for her to continue.

“I know you have questions, so ask away.”

“You’ll answer them all truthfully?”

“Fair point, I’ll answer any questions I see as relevant with complete honesty.  If you doubt it, I’ll provide evidence.  Deal?”

“Okay,” Tony ran his hand through his hair,” We’ll start easy.  Name and age?”  Agent Mason rolled her eyes.

“If you want to take all day about it, Katherine Mason- 20.”

“Place of birth?”

“London, England.”


“Aaron and Madeleine Mason.”

“What happened to them?”

“I know you read my file and did a background search on me already,” Tony gave her a hard stare and she sighed, “Fine, they died in a fire.”


“I was five.”

“Who raised you?”

 “My grandmother.”

 “What’s her name?”

“Merida Mason.”

 “And her husband?”

“Never met him, he died before I was born.”

“What about the grandparents on your mother’s side?”

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