Chapter 2

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Hello! I'm so fluffin excited for this story! I keep getting ideas :D So buckle up, it's going to be a LONG ride!

Chapter 2

Fury walked silently over to Agent Mason, his eyes never leaving hers. He bent his head down and talked quietly- with Agent Mason occasionally nodding, shaking her head, or commenting. Her mouth was set determinedly and she met Fury's gaze unwaveringly. Until Fury said something that made her look at the ground before saying something that seemed to take Fury aback. He looked thoughtfully at her for a moment and gave a single nod. Agent Mason's shoulders relaxed and she met Fury's gaze again evenly. He took a step back and said something that made Agent Mason frown and shake her head adamantly. Fury said something else that just seemed to make her madder. She was in the middle of what looked like telling him off when she started coughing. Fury just gave her a pointed look which made her slump slightly. Fury nodded to the guards who guided her out of the room. He looked after them a moment and seemed to catch the small group staring at him from across the room in the corner of his eye. He made his way slowly over, pausing to give directions now and then.

"You are all now on active duty. None of you leave without my authorization, understand? Agents will retrieve your necessities. We need to prepare." Fury's eyes were steely.

"Prepare for what, Director?"



S.H.I.E.L.D. Central Infirmary; New York, New York

"Do you usually watch people sleep?" Agent Mason said calmly, keeping her eyes closed. Thor visibly jumped as his train of thought was interrupted.

"I did not know you were awake."

"Faking, it's the only way to get the medical staff to leave you alone." She calmly opened her eyes and pushed herself into a sitting position. She grimaced slightly but quickly schooled her features.

"Are you unwell?"

"Fine, just a twinge." She gave a half-smile, "Agent Mason." She stuck her hand out, "Nice to meet you."

"Thor Odinson," He gently squeezed her hand. When he released she rubbed her hand.

"Nice grip," she cocked her head to the side thoughtfully, "You're really worried about your brother aren't you?" When he didn't say anything she continued, "I know for a fact that there are two guards outside that door with orders not to let anyone without a medical degree in. Unless your file is mistaken, I don't think you have a Doctorate." She paused, "And no, I'm not reading your mind."

Thor chuckled, "That does not sound reassuring."

"Exactly," Agent Mason smiled. "If it makes you feel better, the less I know a person- the less clear it is. I can get vague emotions from everyone, but the emotionally closer I am to someone the clearer their thoughts are. I've only ever been able to do that with a few people. But, when I touch someone I can view memories and thoughts completely. For example, the two guards I mentioned? They're out their practically wetting themselves from whatever you did to them. And while we're talking about it, what was so important? Fury is going to be upset; those two will probably need counseling."

"I wanted to show my thanks for your help in proving my brother's innocence."

"I did what was right was right, I don't need thanking."

"But you put yourself in danger, and for that I am in your debt."

Agent Mason rolled her eyes, "I figured something like that would happen," she shrugged, "I've never read a god's mind, and your brother's is abnormally... tough. But it needed to be done. This way Fury will take him seriously and actually get something accomplished except thinking of ways he could be planning our destruction." Another shrug, "I know my limits." There was a knock at the door and a tall, older man, with greying hair and a lab coat walked in.

"Hello, Mitchell. Always good to see you." Agent Mason said, sarcastically.

"Always? I'm here to check on you, Fury's orders," He turned to Thor, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave now." Thor bowed his head and started towards the door.

"Thor," Agent Mason called, he turned and looked at her. "Your brother really does love you." Thor smiled, nodded his head once, and left. When the door shut behind him the doctor spoke.

"I don't want to know what he did to Avery and Evans, do I?"

"Probably not, no." Mitchell smiled. He walked quietly to the door and opened it silently. He seemed satisfied by what he saw and closed the door.

"He's gone, you can stop that now."

"Stop what?"

"Whatever you're doing to the machines right now."

"I'm not doing anything, I'm perfectly healthy." She pointed at the nearest monitor for emphasis, "See? I can go now."

"You don't have to pretend, you know that right? I can understand around other people that you might, but I really need to know if you're fine. You know what could happen if you overexert yourself." Agent Mason glared at him for a few moments before settling back on her sheets with a sigh. The EKG started doing an uneven Mitchell gave her a hard look and went over to another monitor.

"Breathing patterns are irregular... blood pressure is at 80/54... at least seven heart palpitations in the last hour... brainwaves seem normal, for you that is."

"Don't tell Fury." She closed her eyes tiredly.

"Why?" He gave her a hard look, "You quite literally almost killed yourself, I told you to take it easy. So naturally, you go off and enter the mind of a possessed god. Care to explain?"

"He's not possessed anymore." She coughed, but kept her eyes shut.

"Can you honestly tell me that you knew you wouldn't die?"

Agent Mason frowned slightly, "I know what I'm doing." Her voice was quiet and strained. He opened his mouth to comment but Agent Mason was asleep. The doctor's eyes softened and he dimmed the lights before leaving her alone.

"I hope so."


"Hmm, let's see... grew up in West Kensington, England- that's a suburb of London... went to the University of Cambridge at 13... degrees in psychology, technology, history, and foreign language- I'm guessing she probably has others under an assumed name... IQ of 167- not bad... raised by her paternal grandmother after a house fire killed her parents at the age of five... family's pretty well off, besides the one in Kensington- there's a house in Dublin and D.C... contacted by S.H.I.E.L.D. six different times since age three, denied each time by guardians until she was eighteen...and that's all there is." Tony looked up and glanced at each of them individually. "She's hiding something."

"Just because someone has a higher IQ than you, Stark, doesn't mean they're hiding something."

"My IQ is higher than that, but I'd like to see what yours is with the whole spending time as a Capsicle though. Just think about it- mind reading, techno-path? Wouldn't that have come in handy a week ago? Now S.H.I.E.L.D. just pulls her out of nowhere and says Loki's innocent, it just doesn't add up."


"I'm not going to get involved, but why don't we ask Clint and Natasha?"

"Where are they anyway?"

"Disappeared, they're like black shadows of death those two." Tony shrugged, "Meatswing wandered off somewhere too."

"So this is all a hunch?"

"I don't know if you've noticed but my 'hunches' are usually right."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to find out what she's hiding."

Ooooh what is she hiding? Or is Tony just paranoid? Mwahahahahaha :D I've come to the conclusion that if you combined Thor and Iron Man you would get the perfect man: hot, smart, rich, strong, funny *sigh* Perfect :) Did anyone like the Thorne/ Kathor or whatever it is? I had fun writing it... For any of you who don't know her blood pressure was really low and her heart kept skipping beats, 167 is certified as genius- a little more than most Nobel winners.... I forgot half of what I was going to say *le sigh* tell me what you think little snowflakes!

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