Chapter - 16

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The night at the engagement party seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment weighed down by a growing discomfort in her. He had seamlessly mixed into conversations with his friends and cousins, his laughter and friendship filling the air, while she had to handle the unfamiliar people and mingling with his distant cousins and family.

As the night unfolded, she couldn't shake off a growing sense of unease that settled in her chest. Despite the lively atmosphere, the laughter, and the festive spirit of the celebration, her discomfort seemed to increase. Anxiety coursed through her veins, making her hands sweaty and her forehead damp with sweat.

Surrounded by unfamiliar faces, the once-friendly crowd began to blur into a chaotic sea of strangers. In this moment, she longed for the reassuring presence of her husband, a familiar face in the sea of this unfamiliar crowd.

Desperately, she scanned the crowd, silently hoping to lock eyes with him and find relief. Yet, he remained hidden, seemingly lost within the event. Her attempts to locate him only fueled her frustration, as though he has intentionally hidden away from her gaze.

Yet, minutes turned into an hour, and there was no sign of him. It was as if he had vanished into thin air, leaving her to deal with unfamiliar people alone. The weight of isolation settled upon her.

Her increasing unease seemed to gain speed with each passing second, threatening to swallow her entirely. She tried to calm her breathing, to regain a sense of calm, but it remained just out of reach.

In this vulnerable moment, she recognized the need for a brief away from the overwhelming atmosphere. With no sight of him, she decided to go back somewhere peaceful for a moment, heading towards the backyard of the venue where she spotted a small washroom. Inside, the dim lighting and quiet offered a brief rest from the overwhelming atmosphere of the party. It was a place where she hoped to calm herself.

As she splashed cold water onto her face, the hope was that it would wash away not just the sweat on her face but also the increasing anxiety in her heart. But instead, the tension within her only seemed to increase. With every passing second, her chest tightened, and the world around her began to whirl in a blur.

Staring at her own reflection in the mirror, she felt like she was losing her grip on reality. The room closed in around her, and the overwhelming anxiety became an all  darkness

Her strength slipped away, and her legs gave in. She fell down to the floor, the world fading into darkness as the overpowering anxiety that had swallowed her all night finally took its toll.

 She fell down to the floor, the world fading into darkness as the overpowering anxiety that had swallowed her all night finally took its toll

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An hour had slipped by since he returned into the party to locate her and convince her to head home, but she remained unfound. Initially, he attempted to maintain his composure, brushing off the unease that was beginning to grow in him. He didn't want to admit it, but the growing worry in the pit of his stomach suggested something might be wrong.

Despite his attitude to not care, a growing fear clawed at him, making him question if she might be in danger or distress. He had silently inquired with numerous people, hoping to catch a glimpse of her or gather some information. It was a frustrating search, filled with unanswered questions.

Then, a glimmer of hope appeared when a young girl informed him that she had seen her heading towards the backyard of the venue. That information spurred him into action, filling with him some anxiety as he hurried in the direction she had been spotted.

As he burst into the backyard washroom, his eyes desperately find out the faint source of light. The sight that met him inside the washroom sent a chill racing down his spine – there she lay, unconscious, a fragile figure on the cold tile floor. A jolt of fear ran through him, threatening to paralyze his thoughts and actions.

But in that heart-stopping moment, instincts took over. Without hesitation, he scooped her up in his arms, her form feeling both delicate and weightless. The surprised gazes of onlookers faded. as he rushed through the night, towards his car the only thought occupying his mind being the urgent need to get her to safety.

As he carried her, he desperately wished for her to wake, to offer some reassurance that she would be alright. But the only sounds that filled the air were loud beats of his own heart and the soft, unconscious breaths of the woman he had once vowed not to care about.

 But the only sounds that filled the air were loud beats of his own heart and the soft, unconscious breaths of the woman he had once vowed not to care about

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