Chapter - 18

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When she woke up, it felt like slowly opening her eyes to a new day

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When she woke up, it felt like slowly opening her eyes to a new day. The room was kind of blurry, all soft and sunny with morning light. Her head hurt a bit, like a tiny drum tapping.

But what really made her dizzy was the man sitting in a chair beside her bed. He was her husband, but seeing him there felt like a dream. She blinked and blinked, wondering if her head was playing tricks on her.

Her thoughts were all jumbled up. She tried to remember the party, the restlessness, and then the washroom where everything went dark. It was like trying to put together pieces of a puzzle that didn't fit.

And there he was, sleeping so peacefully. It didn't match with what she knew of him. She couldn't help but stare at him, and questions tumbled in her mind. How did she get here? Why was he here, watching over her? These questions were more confusing than her headache.

Despite the confusion, she felt a tiny warm feeling inside. It was like a mix of surprise, wonder, and something else she couldn't quite name - something she didn't need words for.

His eyes fluttered open as he detected the subtlest of movements in the room. The sight of her stirring in the bed beside him brought him to full alertness. Concern spread across his face, he gently urged her to remain still, to find rest in the embrace of the bed.

"Please, don't move just yet," he said, his voice laced with a mixture of relief and worry.

She couldn't help but voice her confusion, her memories still covered in a fog. "What happened?" she inquired, her eyes searching his for answers.

He hesitated for a moment, his gaze locked with hers. Then, with a sigh, he began to recount the events that had occurred after she had fainted at the party, sparing no detail.

"I found you in the backyard," he began, his voice low and steady. "You were unconscious, and I... I was so scared. I carried you to the car and drove as fast as I could to get you here. The doctor said it was exhaustion and stress. You need to rest more, take care of yourself."

As he spoke, he stressed the doctor's advice for her to rest and take better care of herself. Every word, every action showed his worry about her health. It was as if, in that moment, his own doubts and uncertainties were put aside, replaced by a genuine concern that went beyond their complicated relationship.

 It was as if, in that moment, his own doubts and uncertainties were put aside, replaced by a genuine concern that went beyond their complicated relationship

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Today felt different from the usual routine. He had chosen to work from home, a rare change occurred by the unsettling events of the previous night. A sense of unease lingered within him, a feeling he couldn't quite understand or admit to himself.

In the morning, he went out of his way to prepare a healthy breakfast for her. It was an odd gesture, one that surprised even him. Why was he so concerned about her well-being? After all, it was a simple case of low blood pressure, nothing more. Yet, an underlying anxiety growed in his heart.

Throughout the morning, his thoughts swirled in confusion. Why did he feel so stressed about her? Their relationship was, by all accounts, a mere arrangement, a partnership born out of necessity. He reminded himself of this fact time and again.

Still, an unsettling fear persisted. The worry that he might lose her clung to him, refusing to be dismissed. It reminded him of his past, the painful memories of his late wife and the tragedy that had unfolded. Those dark moments had left him emotionally scarred and distant.

So, why this sudden change? Why did he find himself scared for her? Was her presence beginning to have an impact on him, carving out an unexpected place in his life? These questions weighed heavily on him, his emotions forming a tangled web he wasn't yet ready to unravel.

As they shared breakfast in the quiet of the morning, he felt a weight on his chest, a nagging guilt that he couldn't ignore. Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, he hesitated and broke the quiet.

"I'm sorry," he began, his words carefully chosen. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone last night with all those unfamiliar people. I realize now that it was my irresponsibility that caused you so much anxiety. And I know our argument in the car only made things worse. I was trying to maintain a distance from you, but it was thoughtless of me."

His apology lingered in the air, heavy with unspoken tension. She listened quietly, her expression unreadable as she processed his words.

And before he could say more, she interrupted him. She looked at him with a soft, understanding gaze as he tried to apologize.

"You don't need to apologize," she said gently her tone calm but distant.

"I don't hold you accountable for anything. I know not to expect anything from you, and I understand that you don't consider me your wife. You have no responsibilities towards me."

Her words hung in the air, a bittersweet reminder of the boundaries that defined their relationship. She offered him a small, appreciative smile.

Her words struck deep  within him, stirring a mix of relief and discomfort. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, unsure of how to respond."I just..." he stuttered off, searching for the right words. "I don't want you to feel like I'm neglecting you," he admitted quietly. "Even though... even though we're not..."

She nodded, her gaze steady. "I appreciate your concern," she replied evenly. "But I've come to terms with our situation."

He nodded slowly, his guilt weighing heavily on him. He wanted to reach out to her, to offer some form of comfort, but he knew he couldn't. Their relationship was bound by  restrictions neither of them had chosen."I still care about your well-being," he added softly, his voice tinged with regret. "I hope you know that. And I hope you're feeling better today," he spoke after a while, his attempt at small talk falling flat.

She nodded, offering a polite smile. "I am, thank you,"

"Thank you for breakfast, though," she added, her voice warm with gratitude.

He nodded in acknowledgment, the weight of their unspoken tensions weighing heavily on his shoulders. "Of course," he murmured, unsure of what else to say.

They continued to eat in silence, the weight of their unspoken emotions palpable. He found himself at a loss for words,realizing that, in her own way, she had offered him an unexpected form of understanding and forgiveness. the pain in his chest a constant reminder of the complexities and contradictions of their connection.

After clearing the table, she excused herself quietly, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He watched her retreat, feeling a pang of regret and longing. He knew their relationship was complicated, but he couldn't shake the desire to bridge the emotional gap that had formed between them.

 He knew their relationship was complicated, but he couldn't shake the desire to bridge the emotional gap that had formed between them

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