Safety first

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"We're here." the poor driver announced shakily. "Thanks, man." Malik patted the boy shoulder before quickly went after Indo who ran out of the car right after it stopped.

"Uh- yeah... W-welcome?..."

Mal stretched her arms. Her muscle felt sore. "I really need a daily workout..." she grumbled to herself. Her attention shifted towards the door. Someone knocked on it. "Ah, come in." she called out lazily.

"Lazy are we?" her eyes widened slightly. "Ah- Indo! Er... Great to see you?..." she grinned nervously which ticked Indo off.

"Do you mind explaining this?" he asked with a sweet smile. "W-well, you see- It was unexpected, really! I did not intend for myself to get into a messy fight!" she defended herself. "Uhh... Why don't you sit with me? It must be a long ride for you." she offered as she patted the chair beside her which Brunei used before. His eyes softened. Indo sighed then sat down beside her bed.

"You had me worried, I'm not in the mood to get beat up from your gov." he muttered. "Sorry... I let my guard down..." Mal mumbled quietly. "... It's fine. How are you feeling?" he gently held both of her hands in his, concern in his eyes. Mal smiled. "I'm feeling better. I just got a mild burn on my left shoulder and scratches mostly on my side." she assured him. "Nothing is okay. Someone dared to attempt an attack on you." he growled. "I'm alright and that's all matter." she chuckled lightly. Indo body relaxed a bit.

"Do you know who attacked you?" He questioned. "... Maybe... I will deal with them, don't worry about it."

"We already agreed on this, if someone messed with you, they messed with me." He growled. "Hey, hey. Don't sweat over it. You can't just meddle with my nation business. Maybe if it was personal then yes, you can stick your nose all you want. But this one is my problem alone... I don't want you to get into a war with some other country because of me." She lectured him strictly. He huffed. "If it get too serious, I will step in." He said stubornly. "Not without my permission." She added. "You're too prideful for your own good, I will decide when I need to intefer myself." They both glared at each other. Both too stuborn to back down.

"And you said there's nothing between you two." Brunei deadpanned.


"B-BRUNEI??!" Indo jumped while Mal tensed beside him. "What did I miss? And you two are together??" She narrowed her eyes. "I thought you had left." Mal frowned. "I did. I left my keys and had to come back. And here you two, being like... A lovey dovey couple. What is happening here??" Brunei said accusingly. Mal glanced at Indo pleadingly. He sighed.

"Bru, we- Uh... You see... To put it simply uh we are married so no worry there." Indo grinned nervously. "Marriage between two nations is quite rare." Brunei said as she sat down on the chair at the corner of the room. "What's your reason? Is it economy? Defence?" Mal and Indo sweatdropped.

Indo glanced at Mal, his eyebrows narrowed. Mal frowned then rolled her eyes. She let out a yawn. "Ah, Bru. Mal just survived an attack. Shouldn't we leave her to rest? She must be tired. I wouldn't want her health to get any worse." He announced gently. A single sweat rolling down his forehead.

Brunei gave them are you serious? look. "Alright then, if you don't want to talk, I'll just squish it out from you two." She smiled sweetly. Both Mal and Indo gulped.

Suddenly, Mal grabbed Indo shoulder. Indo turned around. Mal batted her eyelashes at him. He deadpanned. "Oh, my dear husband. My body isn't feeling well after the rough accident." she sniffed. "You promised me to care for me when I'm sick. Don't you think I deserve a rest?" she pulled his shirt a bit for affect. Mal leaned her face closer which made Indo a bit nervous.

"I- Y-Yeah! Exactly. Haha..." Indo stand up hastily. "We shall discuss this outside, Brunei. Please go ahead, I'll be righ behind you." he smiled politely. Brunei glared at him for a second before exited.

"I guess I'll be busy for a while." Indo sighed. He felt a tug on his sleeve. "Sorry, Indo. But I'm really clueless about what to say." Mal muttered lightly. "... It's alright. I did mean that you need rest, Mal." he grinned.

Indo gently pushed her back to lay down. He pulled the blanket to her chest. "I will sort this out. Untill then, you definitely have to sleep." he flicked her nose which earned him a whine from her. Indo chuckled softly.

"T-thanks..." Mal grumbled under her breath. "See you then." Indo walked away.

"No wonder you're extra... Cheerful lately..." Brunei rubbed her chin while staring at Indo stiff gesture. "Uh, yeah. I guess." Indo trailed off.

Brunei let our a sigh. "Listen, I wouldn't mind if this is what you think best for you two. But keep in mind, this marriage will put you two in valuable state for each other. Mal wasn't the most attentive nation..." Brunei crossed her hand on her chest. "I'm not that worried for you tho. You got a really impressive skill to survive. Mal on the other hand doesn't have that much energy and her health wasn't in the best condition right now." her gaze strayed towards Mal ward.

"I understand where you are coming from." Indo inhaled softly. "Rest assured, I will do my best in keeping her away from harms way."

Indonesia pov

I patiently tapping my foot on the floor as my phone keep beeping.

Beep... one

Beep... two

Beep... three

"Hello?" I perks up. "Ah, captain. How are you?" I asked. "Great, sir. How can I help you today, my good sir?' the captain asked back. "Good to hear that. You see, there's an attack happened in the state of Sarawak yesterday around noon. It was close with Brunei border and I would like you to send a team to investigate the case further. The presentative of Malaysia also happen to be one of the victim." I paused. "Based from the witnesses story, there's a bomb going off before a dozen or 2 guns were fired. No mobiles. Just fighters." I added. There was a long pause from him before a sigh was heard.

"No offence, sir. But isn't this only concern the Malaysian?" he said almost in a scoff. "Captain, here an advice. When your superior gave you and order, you can't question it. Just do your job." I snarled with anger. "Sir, I can't see any reason for us to interfere with their problems." he protested even more. "She's- Malaysia is our closest ally and friend. We need to help them when they're having problems." he gasped.

"Wait- So the rumours were right. The former truce were actually a marriage-" "Hold on- Where did you heard it from???" my face flushed. "It spread widely within the governments. So it's true then?" I swear I can hear him smirking at me. "Gah! Yeah whatever! Just do something with your stupid military!" I hung up on my phone.

"Damn it!" I groaned with my hands covering my face.

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