Settle down

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The sound of the oil cackling in the pan is the only thing they could hear. No one dared to broke the silence as they both have no idea what to talk about. It's actually pretty late for dinner but they skipped it earlier by accident so better late than never. Mal did help him to cut the vegetables but that's all. She could only watch him do the rest after that. Indo glanced over her before let out a fake cough.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" he tried to be friendly. "Uh- I guess. I have a few paperwork need to be done." she answered him. "Hm? I thought they gave us some time off?" he raised an eyebrow. "Oh, it's actually an unfinished works. I put it on hold due to our marriage." she shrugged. "Oh..." he tapped the table nervously.

"So... When are you free then?..." he asked again. "... I guess on Wednesday? Uhm... I hope..." she smiled awkwardly. "What's up? Another works?" he narrowed his eyes. "No, not like that. I might take longer time to finish my paperworks. Im sorry." she sighed lightly. Indo studied her face carefully. "It's fine, really." he sipped his coffee. "I can't blame you for doing your job. But I would like to take you out later on if you wouldn't mind." he then fake coughed.

"I thought it would be nice to get to know each other better and maybe give you a tour around Jakarta since it is your home too now. You never really get to walk around here before because you most likely only had been here for works. If you get what I mean." he muttered nervously.

Mal can't help but smile at him. "That would be wonderful, Indo. Im looking forward for it." Indo smiled back.

"Me too."


Mal stared at her desk in disgust. Usually, she would be having her daily hot cup of tea by now. It is an addiction she pick up from UK she just can't help herself from favoring the bitter and sweet taste of the tea mind you. But now she's stuck with the paperworks she was forced to do. To put more salt to the injury, she had to ignore her newly wed husband just to finish this pieces of tree. Mal groaned then slumped down on her office chair. It is a good thing that they have their own office in their home in case they need to be alone or do some works. She doesn't have to worry about being awkward around Indo or having him peeking on some files that are restricted or private.

"Mal, can I come in?" a soft knock snapped her out of her trance. "Ah, yeah. Come in." she quickly organised the papers and files. "Hey, I figured you would like some coffee you know. I don't think you had them today. Oh, and your cooking are good. I never expect that from someone like you." Indo spoke with a smirk as he put down a mug on the table. Mal rolled her eyes. "What do you expect? My people made some heavenly fantastic food, why shouldn't I be good at it too?" she teased him. Now it's Indo turn to roll his eyes. "Haha, funny. Though my food are better but I couldn't agree more." he chuckled. It felt nice to talk with Mal without a quarrel.

"Thanks, oh and sorry I couldn't wait for you at breakfast. I just wanted to finish this as fast as I can." she sighed. Again. "It's cool, really. I appreciate that you made me breakfast and your concern for me." he said honestly. Then an awkward silence settled in for a few seconds. "Im just... Gonna go to the backyard... Uhm, good luck on your works." Indo laughed nervously. "Right, thanks." Mal look down at her hands.


"Oh hey, you are done?" Indo greeted Mal when she entered their room. "Yup, all done." she smiled then let out a small yawn. "You worked the whole day, you should sleep early." Indo gazed at her warmly. Mal shood her head. "Nah, it's only 9 p.m.." she walked pass him towards the wardrobe. "I'll take a bath first." she announced then left.

When she's not visible from his view anymore, he let out a sigh. "Whatever you want..." he muttered under his breath.

It took Mal exactly 10 minutes to finish and Indo already waiting for her on the bed, just sitting around casually. He want to talk to her about their activities tomorrow.

"Mal." he called out. "Hm?" she hummed while drying her hair with a towel. "You still up for a walk tomorrow?" he asked. "Sure. I have nothing to do anyway." she shrugged. "That's great. We'll start at 8 a.m. sharp then." Mal nodded in agreement. She take a seat beside him letting herself relax, she sighed. Indo eyed her without a word.

"Hey... Im just wondering..." he started. "What is it?" she asked lazily. "Are you really comfortable... You know... Um... With me here?..." Indo scratched the back of his neck and avoided Mal gaze. Mal blinked then giggled softly. "To be honest, not really. Im still trying to get used to your presence. But im sure it won't be a problem as long as we both respect each other privacy." she smiled brightly at him. Indo swear he felt like he staring at the sun. He can't help but return her smile back.

"You're right. Thanks." he petted her head playfully, Mal eyes widen in surprise. As if the time froze, Mal electric blue eyes met Indo crimson red eyes. The warmth from Indo hand somehow feel welcoming. She look away shyly. "There's no big deal..." she muttered.


"I-Im going to get something to drink!" she stand up quickly then leave Indo on his own. He blinked at her shadow a bit startled by the sudden move. Then his lips stretched into a small smile. He shaked his head fondly.

"Silly Mal." he whispered to no one but himself.

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