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"So what now?..." Mal asked quietly. Indo glanced over her and shrugged. "Dont know, what do you want to do? Taking a nap?" he said casually. "... Indo im serious." she sighed. "I didn't know you changed your name."


"You lil sh-" "What da-" just 50 seconds moving in together, they already at each other throat, barking non stop.

"Argh! Mal, im sorry!" Indo yelled as he can't escape now. "Hm? Did you said something?" Mal stopped on her track and smirked smugly. Indo groaned in annoyance and stared at the floor like a kitten. "... Im... Im sorry..." he muttered under his breath.

"Remember, Indo. Sometimes it's better to surrender to your own wife."

Indo groaned in annoyance. "Surrender? That's embarrassing." he huffed and folded his hands.

"Oh, hush. A man need to learn how to apologise to their partner." Malik smiled smugly. "Overall, this is your idea. So you better don't srew this up."

"Right, right. How hard can it be to take care of her?" Indo said confidently.

"... I think you need to learn what a husband should be aware of..." Malik sighed. "Wha- Not again!"

Indo got on his own knee and brushed his clothes off from any dust. He look at the clock on the drawer next to him and let out a sigh. "I guess those lecture did help..." he muttered to himself.

Right after he apologised earlier, Mal just sighed and nodded lightly. "Im surprised to hear that from you." she muttered quietly and left him.

"Gosh, girls really are annoying..." he groaned to himself.

Mal gazed softly at the backyard. The meeting she had with her boss two weeks ago still fresh in her head.

"So... Do I have to..." she asked shakily. "No, you don't have to worry about that. Just be his wife and do your things." Rafael didn't even look at her as he talk. Mal can't help but look down at her hands, sweats slowly forming on her face. "Y-yes sir... If there's nothing more you want to talk about, I'll take my leave." Mal said with a low bow.

She turned to leave before stopping after hearing Rafael voice. "Malaysia. Remember, don't make a fool of yourself. Don't expose too much information to him. And lastly, don't be too close. We can't afford anymore mistakes." he said with a straight face. Mal gulped nervously and nodded. "Of course..." she whispered quietly.

A soft sigh escaped her mouth. As years passed by, Mal lost her power over the government. Now she can't even voice her opinion freely without them barked back at her. She knew she gotten too soft with her people that they dared to step on her.

"You malay people are too kind, Mal. That's why you all easy to use."

UK words still echoed in her brain. She shut her eyes tightly. She hoped she could change that but it's too late. Now she stuck in this marriage stuff. She can't back down. "Might as well make this work." she sighed again.

The moon shining brightly as the stars joining it on the sky. The night breeze were cold, yet comforting. Indo stared at the sky, enjoying the silence at the backyard. "It's late." Mal suddenly appeared behind him, still wearing her hijab and a long sleeve white shirt with a long black pants. "Same to you." he muttered. Mal didn't say a word as she stand next to him. There's a long silence between them.

"Indo." Mal started. "Hm?" he shifted his attention to her. "Do you... Want to continue like this?" she asked, a bit unsure. "What do you mean?" he asked back. "... Do we really going to live like this forever? Pray on your own, sit in different rooms all days, keep our distance?" she said more clear. Indo eyes a bit widened. His throat suddenly felt dry.

Indo look up at Malik who stared back at him. "You know, being a husband mean you're responsible for her. Her health, her mental, her body and her diet. Taking care of your wife isn't that easy. You need to always be there for her." he paused a bit.

"This is your choice but remember, the moment you two officially united everything you do need to be calculated." he said seriously. "And Mal also a living country, she have feelings. It's your responsibility to take care of it. To make her happy." Indo gulped. "Are you ready for that, Indo?"

"I don't know." he answered.

"I don't know..." he whispered quietly he stared back at the sky. He could feel Mal gaze on him. "I see..." she sighed. "... Then why don't we start all over again?" she asked softly. "What?"

"Forget all of the war we had gone through. Forget the tension. Just a new fresh start." she said with a new determination clear in her voice. Indo found himself take a sharp turn to look at her. His eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious?" he asked again. "Uh- I mean we need to remember our history and all, but I wanted us to take it as a moral to step forward... We could put it aside when it come to our relationship..." she mumbled shyly.

Indo stared at her eyes while Mal shuffled uncomfortably. A small smile then graced Indo face. "If that what you want. I take it." he finally let out a soft laughs. He unexpectedly took Mal hands in his and clasped it gently.

"With that settled. I am looking forward for our life together, Malaysia. Please guide me through and as a payback, I'll do my best to guide you back and take a good care of you." his smile widened. 'I need to take our relationship seriously' his eyes darkened a bit. Mal found herself smile back at him.

"I'll do my my best too, Indonesia. I might do some mistakes and all..." she look down at their hands. "I'll try to fix it." she exclaimed shyly. 'this is what we need to do.' Indo gazed at her. 'For a better future for both countries.' Mal closed her eyes as she let out a soft sigh. "We should head back inside. It's almost isyak." she muttered and pulled her hands back.

Indo take her right hand back before she could stop him. "Then let's go." he grinned. Mal can't help but look down again. This is way too embarrassing for her. "What? I can't let you get lost, do I?" he teased her. "It just the backyard." she mumbled. Indo just shrugged and tighten his hold on her.

"For a start, you should show her affection even just a little bit. Holding hands might be cliché but it good for a new couple. You don't want to rush things to give her time to adjust to it. And never pray on your own, praying together is also a perfect way to be closer." Indo listened to Malik carefully.

"You're not used to the cold, aren't ya?" he asked her while walking side by side towards their house, still holding her hands. He still remember how she acted when they're attending a meeting at Japan during the winter. "Im not really good with cold." she chocked out during the recess that day. Even 16°c place is too much for her already. Of course he know that because she always shivered when they're at a meeting. "You'll catch a cold." he chuckled softly.

"A little question could also show that you care for her wellbeing."

"I don't need to hide that..." Mal sighed. "It is cold tonight..." she muttered. Indo hummed. 'I know that.' he thought to himself. Mal cold hands already a dead give away to him. Without a words, he fastened his step followed by Mal. "I will make dinner tonight." Indo said calmly. "Right..."

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