A walk

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Mal eyes wandering around the busy city. Indo followed beside her, letting her to walk around freely.

"It's quite... Compact?..." she said quietly. Indo shrugged. "Well, it's my capital city we're talking about." he replied nonchalantly. "touché." Mal hummed in agreement. She flinched when a man pushed pass her harshly without turning back to see her. Indo quickly reach out for her hand as she was pushed back from him.

"What the hell is his problem?" he hissed. It was normal for people to push you at the busy city, but for some reason he was pissed off when the man pushed pass Mal. "It's alright, Indo. Things happened." Mal assured him calmly. "He could atleast apologise..." he sighed. Mal shaked her head. "It's normal." she said again. "... We should hold hands. It easy for us to get lost in this wave of people." he motioned on their conjoined hands. Mal shrugged. She then let go of his hand before snaked her hand around his arm. "Better?" she raised her brow. Indo smiled. "Better." he agreed.

Indo then showed her his iconic landmark, The National Monument. He proudly led her around. "This tower was built to homage our struggle towards independence." he said fondly. Mal smiled at him. "It is beautiful." she hummed, mesmerising it's beauty. "Thanks." he grinned at her. They stayed there for a while which Indo didn't mind since he love it when someone appreciate his history and land. Especially the country he respected and see as his equal. His annoying neighbour, Malaysia. For once, she didn't provoke him and actually having a pleasant day. Though he can't deny how scary it is to see her being calm and tolerateable. But he like it.

"Oh, you wanna go to a theme park next?" he asked her excitedly after they settled down in his car. "I won't mind." she look up at him with a sly smile. "Ancol dreamland then." he exclaimed. "Isn't it a bit... far?..." she asked, unsure. "Nah, it'll be okay. We could swing by a restaurant if you want." Mal nodded, too lazy to talk.

After a while, he parked his car in front of a classic looking restaurant. They take a seat on a table that sat on the corner of the room, far from the other tables. "I'll take soto betawi and coffee." Indo smiled at the waiter. "I'll have nasi goreng, thank you." Mal thanked the waiter politely. "What about your drink, miss?" the waiter which is a young man in his early twenty asked her. "Oh, no thank you. I'll just get my warm water at the self service." she smiled kindly. The waiter nodded then left them. Indo suddenly stand up making Mal confused. "I'll get you a glass of water." he explained short. "I can get up myself, Indo." she said calmly. Indo shaked his head, not agreeing with her. Mal sighed in defeat, letting him go.

He later come back and handed her a glass of warm water. "Thank you." she thanked him. "No sweat." he sat down back at his seat across her. He watched Mal sipped her water. He realised how she never protest against him today. How odd. "Mal." she perked up. "Yeah?" she tilted her head. "So far how do you liking it?" he asked her, trying to start a conversation. "I love your unique building and environment." she hummed. It made him smile softly. "I appreciate it, really. Maybe you could show me around your's later." he said playfully.

Her smiled strained a bit.  "Ah... I guess if I have free time, I'll give you a small tour." she said almost sound unsure of herself. "Im looking forward for that to happen." he exclaimed, unaware of Mal worried gaze. "...yeah..." she sighed under her breath.

'I might be too busy after our 'vacation' are over. You might won't be able to see me at all later.'

She sighed again and slumped down against her seat. She hope he wouldn't mind her tight schedule. Though she barely have time for herself, how can she manage her time for another person?

After their small break, Indo dragged her to the Ancol Dreamland. They played a lot of games and rides. She enjoyed it especially the paintball game which Indo did won but she liked shooting him. For some reason. They did take a break to salah before stop by a park which they enjoyed the nature. Mal seem to have a soft spot for nature around them. She even played with some stray cats and dogs there.

"Im exhausted." Indo groaned as he plopped down on their bed. "Hey, take a shower first before thinking of using the bed." Mal rolled her eyes. "Im too lazy to move! Unless you want to bath me." he whined. It took him a while to realise what he just said. Mal shuffled on her feet, embarrassed at the  thought of showering together. Indo mentally facepalmed and blushed at his own words.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." he mumbled and seating up on the bed. "Do you... want too?" she asked quietly to his surprise. "..." without saying anything, he walked to his drawer to get his clothes to change into. "Come." he said short as he standing by the the bathroom door. Mal get her own change of clothes before joining him.

That's how their days goes for a few more days, sightseeing, relaxing, some time alone together and other activities. Fortunately, they did avoided arguing or provoke each other which a good thing because no one wanted to be neither of their bad side. Unaware to them, their days off works is ending so soon.

"I'll see you soon?" Indo smiled softly at Mal. "Yeah, the next meeting is going to be next week in Hanoi." she sighed, already nervous for her return to her homeland. Don't get her wrong, she love her lands and people but she need some time off from the government and politics. "Don't be late." she joked. "Rich coming from you." he scoffed. Mal chuckled softly, she didn't deny it. Everyone know her habits of coming fashionably late, as she say it.

"... I'll call you sometime?..." Indo asked unsure. "Sure, though I can't promise I will answer it all the time." her gaze soften. "..."they stared at each other for a few awkward second before Indo pulled her into a small hug. "Be safe." he whispered to her. She smiled genuinely. "Try me." she joked again. He rolled his eyes playfully then pulled apart. "Im serious. We don't need you coming to the meeting with a cast over your hands again. Singapore already had enough headache." he sighed. "I'll try, you know I like extreme sport." she pointed out. "That's what scaring me." They both laughed.

"Mal, the plane is going to take off. Come on." a man from the government groaned. "Coming!" she yelled after him. "I guess that's my que." she said awkwardly. "... Goodbye then." Mal nodded and walked away after whispered a small bye.

"I'll see you soon..." he said under his breath.

Pretty rushed cause I don't have much time so ignore my mistake.

Anyway, how are ya? I hope your holidays are treating you nicely.

I accidentally clicked the publish thing a few minutes ago  so... yeah...

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