the chaotic couple and their passion for trouble

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"Can you stand up?" I held her hand, waiting for her response. "Uhm... Yeah, give me a few seconds." Mal carefully lift herself up, putting a bit weight on our connected hands. "There you go." I can't help but chuckle. She's standing rather shakily with both of her hands holding me for support. "Are you sure you don't need the wheelchair?" I suggested. She glares at me for a split second. "No, I'm fine as I am." she grunted. "Suit yourself, but be careful. I don't want you to accidentally pull me down to kiss the floor with you." I smiled nervously. "Oh, I won't~" her smile strangely twitching.

Loud booming sound escaped the car as I turn the engine on. I waited for a few moments for the engine to get warm then pulled the car off.

"Indo?" I turn to Mal slightly. "Yeah?" she twirled her fingers. "Don't you have business to attend to?" she asked softly. I stared at the road. "Sure, but it's not that important. I don't really give it any mind." I shrugged. "Beside, I was told to stay with you for the meantime. Someone got to keep you in check."

I groaned in pain when Mal jabbed my chest. "You're going to get us into an accident!" I coughed. "Well, atleast we will go to the hospital together. Could be a new experience as a couple." she rolled her eyes then stared outside of the window while grumbling under her breath. "I wouldn't mind getting a few more days off, honestly. Beside, it's like a cheapskate honeymoo-"



Brunei inhaled deeply with her eyes closed, hands under her chin. "Now tell me, how did you two manage to get into an accident after literally left the hospital for less than 10 minutes?" her eyes stared at us sharply like a lion watching it's prey.

"Funny for you to ask, you see-" Mal opened her mouth but then stopped when Bru send her a murderous glare. She cowered beside me, slightly pushing me between her and Bru. I deadpanned.

"Yeah, no. We had a silly arguments." I said flatly. "You- sigh... You know what? You two need relationship advice." Bru rubbed her forehead with her thumb. "I'm too tired for this, whatever. Just- just don't destroy the hospital. I'm leaving. Don't call me until you two got discharged." Bru stand up from her seat then leave the room.

"Oh well, that was scary." I shrugged. "I mean, damn. We're the most chaotic nations in ASEAN. Gotta respect people who can stand us." I grinned. "People can only stand you when the pig certified as halal." Mal rolled her eyes then turn to the other side on her bed. "Hey, that's not a nice thing to say to your hubby." she's sat on one of two bed prepared for us. It was lucky that our bed have quite a big gap. "For the love of- Who the hell think putting us in the same ward is a genius idea???" she groaned. "Uh hu, cuz we're married and I'm your thoughtful spouse?"

"YOU-" "HEY, QUIT IT!!!!!!"

As expected of the borneo island, it was windy. The humid air gave off chilling vibe. It would have been enjoyable if I'm not strapped here because of a willy nilly accident.

"Where are you going?" Mal paused her step then gave me a sigh. "Bathroom. I need a break. Seeing your face for hours really is bad for my mental health."


I watched as she walked away or more likely limped away. Got it? Okay fine, it's not funny.

My attention got snatched away when my phone screaming the devil cry. I glanced at Mal disappearing figure then clicked the green button.

"Captain. Any progress?"

"Fortunately, yes. Unfortunately, it might make you mad." he said sheepishly.


". . ."

"The good news is they only targeting the mala-" "How is that a good news?" I frowned.

"Right, the good news is they only send one team to east Malaysia. Second, they're having a money crisis and their government suck. Anyway, we found out that they had requested a deal with your dearest wife months ago and apparently something happened that got their brain disoriented enough to plan a whole assassination on her. They attacked the TLDM¹ in the sulu ocean and staying low in a few areas in Sabah." he explained.

<Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia, Royal Malaysian Navy>

"What is this? An upgraded Tanduo tragedy? How come Mal didn't notice it-" then my mind clicked into place.

"It's a country matter, nothing much."

"Country matter?"

"Hmh... It's not important. Just a few meetings here and there and it will be taken care off." She shrugged.

Mal smiled weakly. "I suppose so. I will be a bit busy."

"I can try to help?" he offered. "Thanks but I can't let you into this mess. I don't need an old grumpy man as my husband." she smirked.

"Whatever." Indo huffed. He focused back on the road.

After a while, he sighed. "Just to let you know, I will be here if you need help. We are in this together. You... Know that right...?"


"Caps, thank you for the reports. Please keep the tabs on them, I need to go."

"Wait- Sir the bad news-"

I hang up on the phone. With a sigh, I get up from my hard rock bed then heading out to find my lil ol' wife.

"Of course, Indo. I will let you know if I'm in trouble."

Let's see who's going to like the trouble coming to em.

Third person pov

"Attack at Semporna? Really, this is getting too cliché. A common I'M gOiNg To aTtACk MalAysIA fROm tHe EaSt cliché thing. Like, come on. Can't they get anymore creative. I swear we'll find their base in Lahad datu in no time." Mal complained.

"Shouldn't we be grateful?" the defense minister sweat dropped. "TLDM² and TDM is in need of urgent funds. Their fire arms are getting limited. We've lost 6 soldiers. 2 from TLDM, 3 from TDM and 1 from TUDM³. Apparently, they're more stocked than we thought."

<Tentera Darat Malaysia, Malaysian Army² Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, Royal Malaysian Airforce³>

"Good grief... Did any citizens got involved?"

"Well, if you ask about death then thankfully, no. But on the other hand, the PATI⁴ living in Semporna and Lahad datu are getting restless. They love the opportunity to roll the government. I guess they have been waiting for this moments since 2013. Oh, and they brainwashed our country citizens too. A few citizens start rioting against the police."

<Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin, foreign immigrants without permission⁴>

"Geez, right. That kind of PATI..." Mal sighed. "We will send them moneys and equipment. Also, if we could, we should send the GGK⁵ there."

<Grup Gerak Khas, special force team⁵>

"Excellent, we-"

"GGK, huh?" Mal quickly hang up. She turn around and came face to face with Indo. "Ah, Indo-" "Don't ah, Indo me. You kept me in the dark, again." Indo frowned. "Oh, and please lock the toilet door if you want to use it or have a private talk next time." Indo smiled sweetly.

"Good grief." Mal sighed.

"We, my love, have a lot of things to talk about, don't we?"

"Good grief indeed..." she muttered under her breath.

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