Bad Guys, Insanity vs Killer (Fight)

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In "The Villain Sans Squad" multiverse.

Dust, Killer, and Horror were all standing in front of Nightmare. In the arena.

Horror: So boss. Why did you call us over here? Moreover, why did you let Insanity out of his cage?

Horror Sans points at Insanity who's drooling and crawling on the ground.

Nightmare: Yes, you three must be wondering why I called you here.

Nightmare looks at Insanity for a second. As there are four members but Insanity Sans is rolling like a dog.

Nightmare: You have all been very useful for me. I've made a plan to try and raid the Omega Timeline. I would like to test your powers. To improve my plan.

Dust, Killer and Horror listen carefully.

Nightmare: S-.

Insanity gurgles and growls. Which he then farts. The four stare at Insanity.

Killer: Oh god, his fart is starting to come in.

Nightmare: Anyways. What I'm asking you to do is to fight each other. There will be three battles in total. The first round will be Killer vs Insanity.

Killer covers his nose.

Killer: Good.

Nightmare: The next round will be Dust vs Horror. Whoever wins that round will advance to the final round. Are there any complaints?

Dust: None as it seems.

Nightmare: Now then, Killer and Insanity, step around 25 meters away from each other.

Killer and Insanity step a good distance away from each other.

Nightmare: Now, begin.

Killer dashed through the 25 meters in a quarter of a second, his knife held up ready to strike. However missed. Insanity however, simply parried the strike. Hitting Killer hard. Killer's HP dropped below one. However, Killer's HP has always been one. It's his defense that's extremely strong.

Killer: Bastard.

Killer had always saw Insanity as someone who keeps messing up the plans. Even though Insanity was a powerhouse. A lot of stealth missions took much more time to complete because of Insanity. So of course. Killer would have been searching for an opportunity like this to hurt Insanity.

Killer: I'll make you suffer.

Killer summoned more and more bones trying to hit Insanity. However, Insanity deflected the bones easily. The fact Insanity constantly has the thing that allows a mom to lift a car when her baby is in danger running through his body doesn't help Killer.

Insanity becomes close to Killer. The knife and skull clash. The 2 start to fight closely sending sparks with their weapons. Insanity manages to kick Killer in the face, flipping of off it, summon a blaster and blasting it. Killer barely teleports in time behind Insanity. He tries to stab Insanity. However, Insanity blocked it with his arm. Resulting in a stab in the arm. The ground cracks. Multiple sharp bones start to shoot out the ground. Killer backed off. However more bones started to shoot out of the ground as a result. Killer continued dodging, right until Insanity came just a few meters in front of him. 

Killer: Heheh.

Suddenly, a blaster bites Insanity Sans sending him crashing into a wall. Where blue bones struck up Insanity Sans.  The blaster blasts causing an enormous explosion. Killer starts to rush in. Grabbing his knife preparing for another attack. However, something crimson was glowing in the explosion. Killer barely managed to dodge the blasts. Insanity took use of this moment by grabbing Killer's arm and dragging him while pinning his head on the ground. Insanity then threw Killer to a blaster he summoned. However, Killer simply moved left, as the blast was now heading towards Insanity. 

Before Insanity could dash away, Killer grabbed Insanity Sans, harming both Insanity and himself in the process. Killer blue souled Insanity to the ground as he lit his knife red shoot a slash, hitting Insanity Sans. But Insanity Sans jumped up, stabbing Killer with a sharp bone, as the sharp bones faded, Insanity kicked Killer down to the ground. Breaking a few of Killer's ribs. Killer tries to get up but Insanity sits on him. Punching him with Papyrus' skull. Causing Killer to bleed. Killer however. Fought back as he wrapped his legs around Insanity. Killer then also cuffed his arms around Insanity choking as Insanity still punches him. It was now a contest of endurance. 

Killer continued to get punched by Insanity's hard punches. However, Insanity was feeling light headed. His punches started to become softer. Soon, Insanity was trying to get Killer off his neck but Killer continued to choke him.


Nightmare stopped Killer before he could go any further. 

Nightmare: I believe we have a winner. 

Killer stands up, though stumbling and struggling, as well as being covered in cuts, bruises, and his face bloodied. 


Killer coughs up blood.

Nightmare: These broken ribs. Come, let's get you both healed.

Nightmare carried both with his tendrils. 

"Dust and Horror, please prepare for your positions." Nightmare said before going to the exit where he would be staying for several minutes.

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