Error vs Cross

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Error: What?

Error sat in front of his TV he just stole from BestBuy, only to figure out there was no signal so he kidnapped a bunch of chinese cable workers to fix it. That if you didn't know, is now working and he sent the workers home with a bunch of chocolate. 

Error: UnderNovela is cancelled?! Because the author is missing?

Error hopped off of his couch and started to travel the multiverse. Looking to take his anger out on Ink. Today he discovers a new AU. Or at least one he hasn't gone to before. Error tends to avoid erasing original AUs since they are naturally created. Such as X-Tale. Usually Error could always guess what an AU was about. Such as "RomanceTale", "PirateTale", "AndroidTale." But he couldn't figure out what X-Tale would be about.

________________________________________________________________________________Cross: (Strange, Ink usually isn't this late.)

X-Chara: (Ink is always late, what do you mean?)

Cross: (I know he's late, what I'm saying is that usually he's 15 minutes late but this time around he's around 45 minutes late.)

X-Chara: (Then do something about it, if he's 15 minutes late every time, all you do is say "your late" and you move on. Have you even wondered why Ink was always so late?)

Cross: (No.)

X-Chara: (Well don't shrug it off this time around.)

It was a suggestion from X-Chara. Cross really didn't like X-Chara but he was curious. Why was Ink so late? Were there others Ink visited? Are they like him? Cross never really asked. What did Ink do outside of here?

A portal suddenly opened and out came Error.

Cross turned around. "Ink?" Cross asked. "Is that you?"

There was no response, but Cross assumed it was Ink, he wanted to ask why he was so late? But before he could ask. Lots of blue strings latched unto Cross.

Error: (Who would have guessed, an anomaly. Hiding in a natural AU.) Humm, this place is pretty big, for a single person. That's kinda selfish, you know.

Cross: You're not Ink.

Error: Ah, so you're Ink's little buddy eh? Never thought he could get friend's with his personality. Now before you die. Do me a favor and tell me where Ink is.

Cross: Why should I?

Error: I'll kill you quickly if you do tell me. I'll kill you slowly if you don't.

Cross: So your killing me either way huh?

Error: Yep.

Cross immediately summoned multiple bones that cut off the strings.

Cross: Bold of you to assume you can kill me.

Cross quickly dashed towards Error. Error moved up before summoning multiple blasters. Cross realized something was wrong. His blasters charged quicker than his and his brother's blasters. And something told him that those blasts would best be avoided.

Cross dashed away. Though as he looked down. He saw his forearm shattered due to touching the blasts. Though looking down in the first place was a mistake because that just averted his attention from the bones incoming as they jabbed into Cross. Multiple strings wrapped tightly around Cross as he was jabbed. Error then summoned multiple blasters. However, Cross summoned lots of bones to guard himself.

Usually Error would want to have fun playing with his prey but today he was in a bad mood due to UnderNovela issues. So he straight up amped his blasters and shredded through the bone walls Cross creates. Hitting Cross straight on. Before using his strings to snatch upon Cross and throw him to the ground.

Error: Heheh. "Bold of you to assume you can kill me." What a stupid anomaly. I am the strongest being in all of this multiverse. I'm Error. Not even Ink has the ability to kill me.

Cross: *COUGH COUGH* Ughhh.

Error: Oh what's wrong now? Are you still so sure I can't kill you? I'm not going to lie, you did sound pretty cool dashing to me after saying that sentence. But in the end you're just another anomaly. Though I am surprised. You were strong. You even survived a blast from my blasters. And you have determination, maybe that's why. But it wouldn't matter, because you'll die anyways.


Cross: You know Ink?

Error: Ah, of course I know Ink. That fucking bastard is the only reason why I haven't wiped all of you guys out yet.

Cross: There are others like me?

Error: Yep, though I doubt Ink actually talks to others like you. I'm surprised he actually talked to an anomaly. Usually he just talks to other AUs, like Swap. I tried to delete that AU so much times but his bitch ass keeps interfering, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME! RGH!

Suddenly, there was a strain upon Cross' body. A sharp pained caused him to yelp in pain for a second.

Error: Alright I've had enough of you and your stupid questions!

Error pulled away Cross' soul slowly. Ink suddenly arrived. He tried to take the soul away from Error. But Error backed up before summoning bones from the ground. Ink lands on the tallest bone as Error floats.

"Ink, Ink, why do you insist on protecting this anomaly? You know you can't help them anymore." Error said. "Let me give him a happy ending this time."

Ink: No! That's not your work!

Error: Well I tried to be friendly.

Error said before summoning multiple blasters. Ink laid on the floor.

Ink: C-cross?

But Cross was no longer in control. X-Chara was. X-Chara teleported away. 

(Though in this multiverse, X-Chara had much more time. Instead of straight up going to take another's soul. X-Chara started to work on a much more sophisticated strategy.)

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