Chapter 6

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Her father and Jack eventually followed her up onto the deck where Cora handed her captain the spyglass and pointed out the Navy ship that they were chasing. Yet, as he spied it, Jack put his face in front of it.

"I'm having a thought here, Barbossa," he said as her father lowered his spyglass. "What say we run up a flag of truce, I scurry over to the Interceptor, and I negotiate the return of your medallion? Aye? What say you to that?"

"Now you see Jack, that's exactly the attitude that lost you the Pearl," her father replied. "What do we say to that, me Cora?"

And the first mate took a step forward, her hands on her hips as she said, "The Black Pearl would sooner sink to the depths than fly a flag of truce. And I'd much rather slit the throat of the lying wench that denied me father and me crew their freedom, than negotiate with her. And I may be glad that you're alive, Uncle Jack, but you were the one that used to say to ne'er trust a pirate, even the ones you are lucky enough to call family."

And Jack's eyes went from her to her father behind her who wore a smug grin. "That be my girl," he praised before he turned to Bo'sun. "Lock him in the brig."

And as Jack was escorted away, Cora made her way to the helm as she ordered, "Full Canvas!"

And the crew scurried about as the sails were lowered.

"Haul on the main brace! Make ready the guns!" her father called after her as he lowered his spyglass. "And run out the sweeps."

And a grin like no other was plastered on Cora's face as she gripped the wheel and bellowed, "Hoist the colours!"

And as she watched their pirate flag, a skull with crossed swords underneath, rise into the air, she lived for moments like this as they gained on the Interceptor.

The oars were pushed free as they plunged into the water and the crew began rowing, moving them along faster as Cora held the wheel steady. Her father was at her side as he held Jack...the monkey, that is.

"Father, what's happening?" Cora asked as she watched the anchor of the Interceptor fall into the water and he dropped the monkey in his arms.

"They're club hauling!" he bellowed as the ship creaked as the anchor caught and they were forced to turn back.

"HARD TO PORT!" Cora called.

"Rack the starboard oars!" her father ordered and while this was certainly a surprise, Cora couldn't help but smile. It had been a while since they'd had a good fight. Most usually gave up fairly quickly when they saw the dark sails of the Black Pearl approaching.

Cora ceded the wheel to two of the men as they worked in tandem to turn the ship and she jumped up onto the starboard rail as she held out her pistol and the two ships became parallel.

"FIRE!" she screamed.

"FIRE!" her father echoed as similar screams came from the other ship and they both shook as the cannons fired and the water between them was covered with smoke. "Take cover, would ya?" Barbossa asked his daughter as she shot blindly through the smoke and she jumped down from the railing as pieces of silver cutlery embedded themselves in the wood of their ship. Seems they were desperate for artillery.

"NO QUARTER!" she screamed at her men as they cheered and ran about loading the cannons again.

"Strike your colours, you bloomin' cockroaches!" her father insulted, Jack back on his shoulder as he walked about. He really did come up with the most interesting names for their crew.

"Hooks at the ready! Prepare to board!" Cora ordered as their undead crew grabbed the grappling hooks and Pintel and Ragetti fired chained cannonballs that took out the Interceptor's main mast as it began to wobble and sway as if deciding which way to fall.

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