Chapter 9

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(A/N: Thank you guys for 1000 reads! You guys get 2 chapters today. The next one will be the last one for the Curse of the Black Pearl. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


"I must admit, Jack, I thought I had you figured," Barbossa said as he sat on the mountain of treasure before the chest, Will being held by one pirate as the other knelt by the water, Cora standing at her father's side. "But it turns out you're a hard man to predict."

"Me, I'm dishonest," Jack said as he threw away the gold statue he was holding. "And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for," he said as he approached the crouched pirate. "Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid."

And Jack swiped the pirate's sword as he kicked him down and then threw it to Will.

Will was quick to knock away his other captor as he freed himself and Jack lunged at Barbossa as their swords clashed and fire filled Cora's veins as she drew her own cutlass and ran for Will. He was a fair fighter indeed, but he was fighting undead warriors, and even still, he lost his first fight against Cora. And so his second he would lose as well as she jumped into the fray.

"Get up, you blistering idiot!" she ordered as she pulled one of the pirates up and shoved them towards Will.

As her father and Jack explored the rest of the cavern as they fought, Cora took advantage of the moment when Jack plunged a sword into her father's chest and then Will froze as Barbossa pulled it out and ran Jack through.

The former captain of the Black Pearl staggered back into a column of moonlight as his skin disappeared and he became a living skeleton covered in tattered clothing.

"I couldn't resist, mate," Jack grinned as he flipped one of the medallions through his bony fingers. And Barbossa hissed at him as he threw treasure into his face before lunging as their fight resumed.

Meanwhile, as Will had been watching the scene, Cora swept his feet out from under him as he landed on his back with a thud and barely had enough time to bring up his sword and block her next blow.

"Round two," she grinned as Will kicked her back and hastily got to his feet as their swords clashed, the sound of metal on metal ringing out through the cavern. "NO!" she screamed at the two pirates as they came to her aid but she didn't need it as she drew first blood with a punch to Will's face as his nose began to leak. "He's mine."

Their swords collided as Will backed up and Cora advanced nothing but sheer determination on her face as she whirled, slashed, stabbed, her hair flying and eyes dark as their swords pressed together in an X and it became a battle of strength once more.

"This position seems familiar," she smirked.

"Aye, but you won't be winning this time," Will said as he used every bit of strength he had left.

"Again ye underestimate me," she retorted as she flung her head forward between their crossed blades and, hitting his nose once more as it gushed more blood and he staggered backward as she kicked his chest and sent him sprawling to the floor once more. "Say goodbye, Will Turner," she snarled as she raised her sword, but before she could bring it down, there was a massive pain in her ribs as she was knocked to the side.

"Goodbye," snapped Elizabeth as she hefted a massive golden rod that looked almost too heavy for her to wield as she watched Cora fall to the ground.

"Elizabeth," Will exhaled as she offered him one end of the pole to help him to his feet. And where once when he saw her, there was an instant smile on his face, now all he could think about was Cora's words. Did he really love Elizabeth? Was it infatuation from wanting someone you can't have? Was it guilt because he felt like he owed her for saving his life? Or was it really love?

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