Chapter 39

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(A/N: Ok, so 38 was the last official chapter of At World's End and these next couple of chapters are going to be a mix of things as well as a glossing over of On Stranger Tides. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


Safe to say, Cora's father had not been happy when he'd discovered what she'd done, but he couldn't exactly stay mad at her. While the love between a father and daughter was indeed very different from the love she had for Will, he could understand why she had done it. And at the very least, she had chosen to love a man who was a pirate and a Captain of a legendary ship that made most pirates shiver in their boots.

However, where Hector was intent on finding a way to help his daughter break her lover's curse by using the navigational charts they'd taken from Sao Feng to find a treasure or some artefact of some sort that could do so, Jack was of a different opinion. He insisted that there was nothing that could break the curse of the Dutchman, or it would have been found long ago. And he was supported by Mr Gibbs who was a master of myths of the sea and agreed with his captain. And if she was now immortal, she could still see him, so as far as they were concerned, there was no issue. So as they pulled port into Tortuga, once again, Jack Sparrow was left behind. And Cora was not opposed to it because there was nothing and no one that would stop her from getting Will back. Not even her Uncle. And at least this time, they left him Mr Gibbs.

However, Jack Sparrow did get the last laugh as her father opened the charts to find the centre, the wheels, gone. They'd been ripped out. and they'd cursed his name that day.

Though, as time passed and they continued searching for Jack who was searching for the Fountain of Youth, Cora changed.

She changed in ways that could only mean one thing.

She changed by losing her lunch over the edge of the ship.

She changed by her cycles stopping.

And she changed as her belly began to swell and something began to move inside.

She changed as she realised that she was with child. That she was carrying Will's child.

As months rolled by and her belly grew even more, Cora was treated like glass, like the most precious treasure her father and the crew had ever seen. And when her time rolled near, her father and crew went ashore and brought back the most trusted and revered doctor they could find. And with the threats and warnings Hector and his crew gave the doctor should something happen to his daughter and grandchild was more than enough motivation for the doctor to help; even despite the fact that his daughter was immortal.

While she wished and prayed for Will to be here, her father was nothing but supportive as he sat at his daughter's bedside and spoke nothing but encouragement to her as she screamed and cursed her guts out, nearly breaking his hand with how hard she squeezed it.

And when the pain was finally over, it was at the setting of the sun and the rising of the stars that Cora was presented with a squealing little baby. A boy.

A little baby boy that she named in honour of her father and the blue Barbossa eyes that they all had.


And little Henry was the light of her life as the next ten years drawled by. She never really understood what it was like from the other side of things to have a child on board a pirate ship rather than being the child on board. But Henry was just like her. He loved the open ocean, and the rocking of the boat was the best way to send him to sleep. And as he grew, rather than fairytales, Cora told him of the myths of the seas that she was researching to try and free Will. Rather than lullabies, she sang him sea shanties and siren songs, just as her father had done with her.

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