Chapter 32

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Shipwreck Cove was indeed a sight to behold for those who knew how to reach it and did not become shipwrecks themselves. And as the Black Pearl sailed in to make berth, the crew all stood at the prow as they gazed upon the sight of the pirate homeland.

"There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime," Hector said, despite the way he worried for his daughter. This was the first time since she was born that he sailed without her at his side.

"And I owe them all money," Jack said as they made their way up to the room where the conclave be held.

A long old wooden table sat before them, drinks and nut shells scattered about it as candles sat atop a large anchor that had been stuck to the rafters and was covered in melted wax. Pirates from every race, country and religion sat around that table as Barbossa tapped a small cannonball onto the wood as he called for silence.

"As he who issued summons, I convene this, the Fourth Brethren Court," he announced from the head of the table as the rest of the lords took their seats. "To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow cap'ns."

Ragetti went around the table with a cloth-covered tray as he collected the pieces.

"Those aren't pieces of eight. They're just pieces of junk," Pintel pointed out, which was absolutely correct.

"Aye. The original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso. But when the First Court met, the Brethren were to a one skint broke," Mr Gibbs informed him.

"So change the name."

"To what? To 'nine pieces of whatever we happened to have in our pockets at the time'? Oh yes. That sounds very piratey."

"Master Ragetti, if you will," Barbossa said as he held out his hand to the pirate who held the tray.

"I kept it safe, just like you said when you gave it to me."

"Aye, you have. But now I need it back."

And Barbossa hit the back of his head as his fake eye popped out and he placed it into the tray.

"Sparrow!" one of the lords called and Ragetti moved over to him as Jack reached up to one of the coins he had braided in his hair, but before he could pull it free, he said, "Might I point out that we are still short one pirate lord, and I'm as content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us."

"Sao Feng is dead," came a melodious voice and they all turned to where Cora stood in a dark blue captain's coat with a bandanna holding her hair back and Sao Feng's crew and Elizabeth flanking her. "He fell to the Flying Dutchman."

The table erupted in shouts as Cora stabbed her sword into the globe that held the blades of the other lords.

"Now you deal with me."

"That's me girl," Barbossa said proudly, and Cora grinned as he kissed her cheek and she stood at his side before she brought her hand down on the table.

"Enough!" she bellowed, and the pirates fell silent as her hand tingled with how hard she slapped the table. "Our location has been betrayed. Beckett and the Dutchman make for Shipwreck Cove as we speak."

"Who is this betrayer?" one of the lords asked.

"Not likely anyone among us," her father shouted.

"Where's Will?" Elizabeth wondered, Cora wondering the same thing but not having the strength to ask the question after what he did and the conversation she had with Bootstrap.

"Not among us," Jack answered.

"It matters not how they found us. The question is, what will we do now that they have?" Barbossa posed.

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