Chapter 18

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Cora and Will stood side, by side, as they watched some of the sailors gathered around a small table as they made bets and rolled dice.

"You're wondering how it's played?" Bootstrap asked from behind them.

"We know how it's played," Cora answered. "It be a game of deception."

"Your bet includes all the dice, not just your own," Will added. "What are they wagering?"

"You haven't figured it out yet?" Cora asked.

"The only thing we have. Years of service," Bootstrap answered.

"So any crew member can be challenged?" Will questioned.

"Aye. Anyone," his father answered, and Cora's eyes widened in horror.

"William Turner, don't ye dare -"

"I challenge Davy Jones," he spoke, and the entire crew fell silent as the organ music stopped and the barnacles that covered the ship began to shrink into themselves as Jones clambered his way below deck.

"I accept, mate," he said.

And Will was forced into a seat as a tabletop was set down and Jones sat down opposite him as a cup and dice were set in front of Will.

"The stakes?" Jones asked.

"My soul. An eternity of servitude," Will offered and the boy was indeed out of his mind.

"No!" Bootstrap gasped but there was nothing he could do to stop it.


"I want this," Will said and he threw down the drawing of the key as Jones scooped it up.

"How do you know of the key?" Jones asked.

"That's not part of the game, is it? You can still walk away."

And Jones brought forth the key from beneath his tentacle beard as Cora's eyes widened before he hid it away.

And as the men rolled their dice and hid them beneath their cups, a third up was set down as Bootstrap took his place at the table.

"What's this?" Jones bellowed.

"I'm in. Matching his wager."

"No! Don't do this!" Will said to his father, but it was too late.

"The die is cast," Bootstrap replied and Jones growled before he turned to Cora.

"And what of you, Miss Barbossa?! You care to join the game?" Jones asked and Cora hesitated.

"Cora, don't you dare," Will said as she moved closer to the table.

"Oh, the same way you did?" she retorted.

"Hurry up and make ya choice!" Jones yelled.

And Cora took them all by surprise as she grabbed Will's hair and tugged his head back before she pressed their lips together.

And the entire crew roared as they ripped the two of them apart.

"There is no room for love on my ship!" Jones screamed.

"It was not love!" Cora screamed back. "We don't care for each other. It was for luck. I will cast no die and me soul remains me own. I simply wanted to give Will luck."

And Will was still in a state of shock as Bootstrap snapped him out of it and said, "I bid three twos." And Jones sat down as Bootstrap said, "It's your bid, captain."

"Four fours," Jones said.

And Cora gave Wil a reassuring nod as he said, "Four fives."

"Six threes," Bootstrap bet.

Jones peaked at his dice before saying, "Seven fives."

Will peaked at his dice and Bootstrap did the same and Cora didn't like the expression on Will's face as he said, "Eight fives."

And Jones laughed. "Welcome to the crew lad."

"Twelve fives," Bootstrap blurted and they all turned to him as the laughter was silenced. "Twelve fives. Call me a liar or up the bid."

"And be called a liar myself for my trouble?" Jones snarled as he lifted Bootstrap's cup. "Bootstrap Bill, you're a liar and you will spend an eternity on this ship!"

"Master Turner," Jones said as he rose to his feet. "You and Miss Barbossa are most free to go ashore, the very next time we make port."

And the crew bellowed with laughter as they left, leaving the Turners and Cora alone.

"Fool!" Will spat. "Why did you do that?"

"I couldn't let you lose."

"Bootstrap, it was never about winning or losing," Cora said softly.

"The key," the older turner gasped. "You just wanted to know where it was."

"And now," Cora said as she clapped a hand on Will's shoulder. "We just have to steal it and get off this ship without losing our lives."

"Easier said than done."

"Well, it be yer doing, since all ye want to do is save yer ruddy Elizabeth," Cora said sourly.

"You know, Cora, I believe that perhaps you're jealous of my friendship with Elizabeth," Will said with a smirk before he let out a tortured sound as Cora slammed his injured back against the wooden ship walls as she had a knife at his throat that she'd drawn from her boot.

"Lemme make one thing very clear," Cora snarled through gritted teeth, Bootstrap standing nervously behind her, but not making a move to stop her just yet. "I ain't jealous of nothing and no one. If I want something, I take it," she said before she stretched up on her toes, her breath hot on her face but her eyes were as icy as the water she'd thrown on him earlier. "Ye think too high of yerself, Mystery Man, because I most certainly, don't want ye."

And she withdrew her blade as Will hissed as he freed his back from the wall and Cora marched off somewhere into the rain.

"Cora," Will huffed, as he began to go after her before his father held out a hand.

"You best give her a moment to cool off, son. She naught be accepting your apology if she's still angry. I still remember," he explained, Will's breathing still heavy as his back throbbed.

"Who said I wanted to apologise?"

"Because you won't be able to get that key and get off this ship alive to save your Elizabeth friend, without Cora's help. You need her help. And to get it, you'll need to apologise."

Will grumbled under his breath. "Brilliant." 

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