Chapter 19

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(A/N: A second chapter today because why not. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


It was still night when the storm passed and the crew snored as they slept and Will approached Cora where she stood at the starboard rail, gazing at the horizon.


"Get lost, Turner," she snapped.


"Then what do ye want so ye can leave me alone?" she asked as she turned to him, her eyes cold.

"Why is it always about wanting something?" he repeated, and her eyes just narrowed.

"Because everyone always wants something. Now spit it out before I skewer ye. Escaping be damned."

"I just wanted to apologise," Will said earnestly. "For what I said earlier about you being jealous of Elizabeth."

Cora closed the distance between them as they stood toe-to-toe. "And is that because yer actually sorry or because ye just want my help to get that cursed key?!"

Will took a step forward as she took a step back. "I'm not going to lie to you. Yes, I want your help but yes, I also feel sorry. And don't act as if you weren't standing up here plotting how to get your hands on the key yourself. Jack wants it and you want to torment Jack for trading you. You need leverage. And you need my help to get it just as I need yours," Will continued as he continued walking forward and she continued walking back as her back hit the rail of the ship. She didn't keep moving because she was scared. She was simply intrigued to see where he was going with this. "So, just accept my apology and my promise that it will never happen again, and let's get the key and get the hell off this godforsaken ship, shall we?"

Cora was silent for a time as she arched back, Will towering over her and their faces barely a breath apart and he was about to brace himself for whatever attack she would launch. Perhaps she'd bring out her knife again, perhaps she already had one hidden behind her back. Perhaps she'd stolen a gun from the crew or would go with a good old-fashioned headbutt that would most likely break his nose.

But she surprised him as her lips stretched into a smirk. "Yer spine will look even better with those whip scars over it," she remarked before Will stepped back and she straightened up.

"So I take it I'm forgiven and we're doing this then?" he asked after he cleared his throat, not too sure what came over him.

"Aye," Cora shrugged, enjoying the boldness in him that she was able to taunt out. "I got nothing better to do."

And Will simply rolled his eyes before saying, "So what's the plan?"

"We get the key," Cora said as if it was obvious.

"Yes, but how?"

"Don't stress yer pretty little head about it. Just stay quiet and follow me," she instructed, and Will obeyed as he followed her lead down below deck towards Jones' cabin.

"Why did you kiss me?" Will whispered as they moved, crouching low as they went, following Cora's movements as well.

"I told ye. It was for luck. On this bloody ship, you need as much of it as ye can get."

"Is that all?"

"Do you want there to be more?"

"Do you want there to be more?"

"Don't avoid me question, Will. Answer it."

And Will very quickly changed the subject, which Cora rolled her eyes at but allowed. "Where did Jones take you before?"

"His cabin. How do ye think I know where I'm going?"

"And he didn't hurt you?"

"Clearly not. He had me sing for him."

"Sing for him?"

"Yes. As evil as he is, whoever he loved, I think he just misses her."

"A ridiculous notion."

"Debatable. Now shut up if ye want to live," Cora snapped as she slowly pushed open the door that led to Jones' cabin with the large organ and Jones sitting before it. Cora pressed a finger to her lips. And he followed in her footsteps, avoiding any creaky planks as they crept towards the organ.

Cora pulled her knife out of her boot as Will picked up a bony quill and they began slowly moving his tentacles as they looked for the one that held the key.

Will held his tentacles up, but he was even useless at that as he let one slip onto the organ as it played a note and Jones moved. Cora held her breath as the note ended and the only sound that was left was the tinkling sound of a heart-shaped music box as Jones was lulled back to sleep. Cora gave Will a gaze of daggers as he mouthed an apology that she rolled her eyes at before she tried reaching for the key again.

And Cora reached forward as her fingers felt Will's chest and she pulled the drawing of the key out as she gently swapped it out, watching as the tentacle gripped the drawing as it let go of the key. As they slowly let go of Jones' tentacles and began to creep out as the music box played, the duo clasped their hands together in a silent high-five as they began heading out for the long boat that Bootstrap was preparing for them.

"Cora, I could kiss you!" Will cried in excitement as she placed the key on a cord around her neck.

"I would not stop you," she smirked, caught in the moment as Will's face turned red and they reached Bootstrap.

"Here. Take this too," he said as he presented his son with a small knife. "Now both of you, get yourself to land and stay there."

"Ye know that I belong on the sea as ye do," Cora said to Bootstrap as he gave her a small smile.

"It was in our blood to die at sea."


"But that is not a fate I ever wanted for you," Bootstrap said to his son.

"It is not a fate you had to choose for yourself either. You did not have to make a deal with Jones," Will said.

"Aye, I could say I did what I had to, when I left you to go pirating. But it would taste a lie to say it wasn't what I wanted. You owe me nothing, Will. Now go."

"They'll know you helped us," Will said.

"What more can they do to me?" he laughed.

"I take this with promise," Will vowed. "I'll find a way to sever Jones' hold on you, and not rest until this blade pierces his heart. I will not abandon you. I promise."

And Will moved to the longboat as Cora faced Bootstrap.

"Looked out for him, would you?" Bootstrap asked and Cora gave him a small smile.

"I will keep a weather eye on him as I ask you to keep a weather eye on the horizon. They be words to live by. Farewell, Bootstrap."

And Cora moved off as she accepted Will's hand on the longboat and they began rowing, well, Will began rowing. They had a long way to go to put as much distance between them and the Dutchman as possible.

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