Chapter 45

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The group followed Cora and her father around the island, away from where Salazar's ship was moored before she stopped and took a deep breath. And she held out a hand to the water.

"What is she doing?" Carina whispered as she leaned closer to Henry whose hand was still on her back.

"The Black Pearl be a ship that has been in me family for three generations. Grandfather stole it from Jack actually. Anyway, a few years ago we got our hands on some magic. Now, the Pearl only answers to those who have Barbossa blood."

"Magic?" Carina questioned.

"Aye, magic," Henry grinned as the Pearl sailed into sight, not a single person on board as it moved exactly where Cora wanted it to.

"But how- you just - but how?!" Jack exclaimed in shock.

"Simple," Cora grinned. "I'm a better pirate than ye are, because ye never had the Pearl, the real Pearl. Now," she said as she addressed the crew. "All who would like to live and call a Barbossa captain, get on. Anyone got an issue," she said pointedly to Jack, "and ye can take it up with Salazar."

And Jack marched forward as he presented Cora with his arm. "Might I have the honour of escorting Your Majesty aboard, dear Delia?"

"That's what I thought," Cora remarked as she took his arm and waved hers as the gangplank lowered.

"Henry, me lad," Barbossa rasped as he hobbled over to the boy. "Ye be alright?"

"Aye, Grandfather. We be fine," he grinned. "Thank ye for the save."

"We Barbossas take care of each other," he grumbled, and Henry hugged the old man. "Aye, nuff of that now. Get yer lass on board and let's get outta here before Salazar catches up."

"Are ye alright Grandfather? After Salazar? I been in his presence."

"Aye, lad. I be fine. I be a tough old clam. Now get on with it."

Henry grinned. "As ye command, Grandfather." And he held his arm out to Carina who took it, still wildly confused as she let Henry escort her aboard the ship.

And they got aboard the ship just in time to see Jack flinch as Jack the monkey jumped onto Cora's shoulder.

"Ah! Filthy beast," he said, and Cora just rolled her eyes as the monkey jumped over onto Henry's shoulder and it chittered.

"How ye been, Jack?" he asked.

"Are you really talking to a monkey?" Carina wondered and Henry smiled.

"Aye. He understands you. Jack, this be Carina. Be nice," he warned, and Jack let out a small screech before he reached out and Carina hesitantly gave him her hand as the monkey kissed it.

"It's nice to meet you, Jack," she said with a surprised smile, and he made a noise that they assumed meant it was nice to meet you too before he scurried down the boy's leg and off to cause mischief.

"Time to race the dead!" Hector bellowed as his daughter raised her arms into the air and the sails fell free as the ship lurched forward.

And Henry's arms were around Carina as he caught her in a dip.

"Thank you," she said as she stared up at Henry.

"Yer welcome. It may take you a minute to find yer sea legs," he said as he set her back on her feet.

"You really have spent a lot of time at sea, haven't you?" Carina asked as she recalled what she'd said when he'd saved her from hanging.

"Only me whole life," Henry grinned and something tingled inside Carina's chest at the sight of his smile.

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