Introducing Nick Dylan Sam and Brett

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They finally let me out of the stall, and I tried to run out of the door to the bathroom but the huge guy, who probably weighed over 500 pounds was in front of the door.

I give them a scared look and run into corner, they all surrond me.

"Nick" says the tall one with brown, straight hair, and light blue 

eyes, held out his hand, me not touching it.

"Dylan" said the thick very tall guy with a shaved head who looked 

like he wanted to eat me.

"Sam" said the one that was a little taller then me with wavy blond 

hair he looked like he worked out, a lot.

"Brett" the last one said, he had red hair that was all pulled to one 

side, he was very thin but super, skyskraper tall.

They all hold their hands out but I refused to shake them

"why am I here?" I said

"well, you can into the corner.." said Brett

"don't be a smart ass, why am i here?!" I wasn't kidding now, I was 

ready to call the cops.

I mentally face palmed.

My cell am I a retard.

I go to reach in the pockets of my jeans but remember I'm wearing my dress.

"were not dumb, we have you phone." said Brett rolling his eyes.

"how did you..?" I say confused

"I'm awesome" Sam said smirking, while winking.

"why did you keep me in the mall!?" I said angry.

"why not?" said Brett

"I have a mom who might be worried about me, it's Christmas tomarrow, I have a Christmas party the day after tomarrow

"why should you get all the fun?!?!, we never had fun Christmas in jail!!" said Brett

"JAIL?!" I said a little to load

"ya..." said Nick rubbing his neck

"umm..." at that point, I just start to run. I'm very fast in heels but Sam catches up no probelm, he grabs my waist and squeezes me tightly, he lifts me up in the air and I start kicking him, I kick the back of his legs and he falls down. I run down the escolater that was no longer going. Sam catchs me agian and we fall about 5 stairs down the esclater.

"how cute" he says and kisses my cheek

I frowned as we are face to face at the bottom of the escolater.


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