See ya - 011

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The survivors of the attack on the Atlanta camp were:

Rick Grimes
Lori Grimes
Carl Grimes
Shane Walsh
Cam Blake
Glenn Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
Brooks Dixon
Jacqui Morgan
Carol Peletier
Christopher Peletier
Sophia Peletier
Miranda Morales
Pedro Morales
Louis Morales
Eliza Morales
Dale Horvarth
Andrea Harrison
Amy Harrison
Jim Rodgers

After the funerals, everyone packed up their belongings. Everyone stood around, just waiting to leave. Everyone had been tense since the attack, everybody was constantly looking over their shoulders. Carol was left a single mother (but that was for the better), Sophia and Chris lost a father (also, for the best), Jim would be leaving without his life, and that was a fact.

Brooks stood between Merle and Daryl, her arms crossed over her chest as she watched Rick and Shane take charge. Brooks didn't mind Rick now, but she was still on bad terms with the Walsh man. Shane gripped his rifle slightly tighter, checking over his shoulder again before he turned back to the other survivors in his group. "Alright, everybody listen up. For those of you with CBs, we're gonna be on channel forty. Let's keep the chatter down, okay? Now, if you got a problem and no CB, no signal, whatever, you're gonna honk your horn once. That'll stop the caravan."

"Actually, it's an RV." Brooks corrected, the whole group turned to her. Daryl rolled his eyes while Merle shook his head, they were both slightly embarrassed. "A caravan is an unpowered vehicle that needs a powered vehicle to tow it. An RV, or campervan, is a self contained vehicle that has a kitchen, dining area, bedroom and bathroom."

"Thank you, Google." Shane said sarcastically, clenching his jaw. "Now's not really the time, Brooks."

"No, she's right, Shane." Dale pointed out. Brooks looked to him and a small smile pulled at her lips, Dale nodded at her with his own smile pulling at his lips.

Shane rolled his eyes, looking to the others in the group. "Any questions?"

"We're uh... We're not going." Pedro Morales said to the group.

Everyone looked at the family in shock, everyone thinking how dull of an idea that is. Miranda broke the silence. "We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with our people."

"Assumin' your people ain't wandering 'round dead as a doornail?" Merle raised his eyebrows.

"They're alive." Mr Morales said, angrily. Merle scoffed a laugh, shaking his head and shared a judgemental look with Daryl. The Morales family ignored the Dixons, but, they shouldn't have.

"You're on your own? You won't have anyone to watch your back." Shane pointed out, finally saying something smart.

"We'll take the chance." Mr Morales nodded, putting his arm around his wife's shoulders. "I gotta do what's best for my family."

"You sure?" Rick asked.

"We talked about it." Mr Morales confirmed. "We're sure."

"Alright." Rick nodded at Shane. The men organised handing the family a gun and a small box of bullets.

"Half a box in there." Shane told them. Daryl scoffed, and rolled his eyes, before he walked over to the beat up blue truck that used to belong to Will Dixon.

"Thank you all... For everything." Miranda said, as Lori walked over to hug the woman. Lori also kissed Eliza and Louis on the head. Eliza and Sophia shared a hug while Louis and Carl high fived. Brooks walked over, deciding to be nice because she knew she'd never see the family again. Eliza handed Sophia the doll that she always carried around, a parting gift.

"Good luck out there." Brooks smiled, looking at Eliza.

Eliza sighed. "Brooks, you're a grey sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake. Maybe if you were nicer I'd wanna say goodbye to you." Eliza said, before walking away to hug Jacqui.

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