Unexpected Reunions - 081

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496 walkers.
19 people.

They couldn't really see while in the car, because the walkers were clawing at the vehicle, covering all of its windows. Their bodies obstructed the view of sunlight, but some of it still managed to filter through into the small car. Brooks sat in the middle of the back, her hands on each one of the front seats as she looked around.

All of them took a moment, and a deep breath to process what was happening, before Daryl angrily turned in his seat to glare at his niece. "What the hell was that?" His voice was loud, and pissed.

"If you're 'bout to blame me for this ambush, boy, I'ma slap you somethin' stupid!" Brooks matched his volume, hands gripping onto the leather seats tighter.

Daryl scoffed. "No, you goddamn idiot, I mean you yellin' that it bit ya!"

"Well, it fuckin' did!" Brooks countered, lowering her voice. "Just... Not anywhere important, apparently, but still! How am I meant to know the difference?"

Rolling his eyes and clenching his jaw, Daryl spoke. "You're tellin' me that you think bein' bit in the hair, and bit in the neck feel the same?"

"Well, I've never been bit in the neck, so, how would I know?" She countered, crossing her arms over her chest.

Daryl pursed his lips and huffed in annoyance, turning around like a sulking child. Her logic was actually so stupid, it was hard to argue with it. Deciding to go back to the more pressing matters at hand, Aaron said. "The glass will hold for a while, won't it?"

"Yea, it'll hold. This type of car's glass has been tempered, laminated, and strengthened to lower the risk of impact, intrusion, and stress-induced breakage. Also, the unique toughening process makes the glass invulnerable to tensile stress. This is why the processed glass possesses high-level strength." Brooks responded, watching as a walker began licking the window to her left.

Aaron let out a breath of relief. "Thank god."

She hummed. "Yea, our main concern is dyin' of thirst which'll be day after tomorrow after we've all pissed and shit ourselves that the car'll smell so bad we'll want to go out into the walkers."

"Oh-" Aaron began, but cut himself off, not really knowing what he was going to say, or what he could say to that.

Daryl was unphased by Brooks' information, too used to her rambles of random facts. "Maybe we can make it so they can't see us, somethin' could come by, get their attention." He suggested, and so the three looked around for what they could use to block the windows... They came up empty handed.

Suddenly, Aaron found something. A message on a note... Written in someone's blood.


"I don't think we'll find anything." Aaron said, allowing Brooks and Daryl a chance to read the information on the paper.

She huffed. "I don't have my glasses, what's it say?"

Daryl swallowed thickly, and shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Nothin', Brookie. Just a shoppin' list. Means the car's been 'ere so long, is all."


They'd been sitting in silence for about twenty minutes. Well, as silent as a car can get when a hundred or so walkers are surrounding you, clawing at the vehicle, trying their best to get in because you're what their craving. You're what they want to eat. Brooks had found two teeth in her hair from where the walker had bit it, which was an uncomfortable find... But, now she was bored.

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