Brooks had slept through Hershel, Rick and Glenn coming back with an injured man named Randall. She'd slept through Andrea being the first to tell every single person on the farm that Chris was dead because of her. She'd slept through Sophia getting the medication she needed in the house. She'd slept through Merle never coming into the tent.
She was exhausted. Brooks had been bending over backwards trying to undo the harshness that her brothers and father had instilled in her ever since that first walker in their backyard. She'd been trying her best to be nice and caring, to all. Even those who didn't deserve it. Brooks had been killing herself trying to get back what was left of her old self, and build on it.
But, all of that was undone by Carl Grimes.
To most, it seems easy. Just be nice. Just smile. Just be kind. Just use your manners. However, Brooks wasn't taught any of that by her family. Or school, really. She'd learnt rudeness and hatred, self interest and cowardly behaviour. Brooks was starting to think that she was never sweet, that she was just shy and scared, too frightened to speak up to anyone.
When she did wake, she didn't want to leave her tent. She thought that Carl would've told everyone by now. Everyone did know, but it wasn't Carl that told them all afterwards. He was too wrapped up in his mother's pregnancy, and his slight guilt at snitching out Brooks. However, Brooks forced herself to sit up, put her hair into a neat bun and change into suitable clothes for the day.
She stepped out of the tent, and saw Merle, Andrea, Dale, T-dog, Lori and Shane around by the fire. Everyone else was inside dealing with the Randall scandal, or just getting in the way. Brooks just stood there as the six adults stared at her. Five of them with shame, disgust. Merle's stare was blank and unreadable. He didn't have the full story, like everyone else, he was under the impression that Brooks did it on purpose during a petty argument with Chris. Still, even then, he didn't fully blame his sister. He knew she'd never do anything to intentionally kill him.
"What's... What's for breakfast?" Brooks asked.
Lori shrugged. "None left."
Merle sighed through his nose. "I don't want anymore. Come 'ere, finish my eggs."
"That's alrigh'. I ain't so hungry." Brooks responded. "Where's everyone else?"
"Inside." T-dog responded.
Brooks hummed. "Any change in Sophia?"
Merle looked around to the other adults who ignored her, so he grunted. "She's inside. Rick and Glenn came back with Hershel. He's gettin' her the help she needs. She's gonna be just fine, Bambi."
"Alrigh', well I'm gonna go see 'er then." Brooks decided, starting to walk towards the house.
Andrea's words brought her to a halt. "You really think that's a good idea?" Brooks looked to the blonde woman, who was glaring at the child. "Carol doesn't want to see you. She's in with Sophia. Once Sophia wakes up, and she tells her what you did? Sophia isn't gonna wanna be anywhere near you either."
Shane let out a small laugh. "We might get rid of you with that Randall guy. Y'all can keep each other warm this winter."
"That's enough, fuckers, she's a kid." Merle scoffed.
"Chris was a kid as well." T-dog reminded the Dixon man.
"Have a little compassion." Merle demanded.
"Surprised you know the meaning of the word." Lori stated.
Merle raised his eyebrows. "You got a problem with me, bitch?"
"Hey, don't you talk to her like that!" Shane shouted.
Merle ran his hand down his face, silencing himself from saying something else. Brooks wasn't the only one working on improving her attitude. "Brooks, Daryl's in 'is camp. Go 'n' see 'im, yea? I think you caused enough trouble over 'ere."
Sweet and Salty ~ Carl Grimes
Fanfiction~•°• They're like sweet and salty, good apart, better together •°•~ Brooks Dixon. Younger and half sister of Daryl and Merle Dixon. They never forget the half. Brooks, Daryl, Merle and their father Will have to somehow make it out of Atlanta when th...