Can't Settle - 075

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Michonne finished Brooks' hair the early hours of the next day, and then both aunt and niece tried to go to sleep, but failed. The thought of there being so many people around in the general area wasn't comforting to either of them. They were on high alert for walkers... Or cannibals, frankly. The scar on Brooks' leg where she'd been cut into was still ugly and large, on her forever.

So, the next day, Brooks put on fresh clothes. A white skirt that she forgot had been in the bottom of her bag, and a light blue slightly cropped top, that settled just above the waist line of her skirt. Brooks even managed to find beat up sneakers which had fallen into her bag's pocket that she'd been carrying around since May and forgotten about. They were a nice change from her usual hiking boots.

When Brooks walked downstairs after changing in one of the bedrooms, and she headed into the living room, Carl did a double take. "Oh- oh- Brooks- uhm- I didn't know you had... Had that." Carl said, swallowing thickly and looking everywhere apart from Brooks who had her blonde braids up in a ponytail. 

"Me neither." Brooks admitted, walking into the kitchen to get some water. "Found it in my bag."

Carl looked to her when her back was turned to him, but found Merle was slapping the back of his head. Carl winced (not in pain, Merle vowed he'd never beat a child again... It's the bare minimum, but go, Merle) in embarrassment, as he offered Merle a nervous smile. Merle spoke through gritted teeth, speaking to Brooks but not taking his eyes off Carl. "I think it looks lovely, Bambi."

"Thanks." She said awkwardly, looking between Carl and Merle's staring competition. Cam walked into the room with Judith on his hip, but he put her down in the living room, and the toddler went straight to Brooks. "Carl, you explorin' today?"

"Yea." Carl gulped, tearing his eyes away from Merle. "As soon as Sophia's ready, we were gonna go meet the other kids here."

Smiling, Brooks squatted in front of Judith. "And what are you doin' today, Judy?"

"Cam says there- that- there is park." Judith responded, struggling over her words a little. "I don't know. But... He- he says fun."

Laughing a little, Brooks nodded. "Yea, I heard park's are fun. I'm sure you two'll have fun."

Smiling, Judith leaned forward and pressed the gentlest and sweetest kiss to Brooks' cheek. "Bye, bye, Auntie Books." And with that, the toddler ran back over to Cam who took her hand.

"See ya, guys." Cam said to those remaining in the room, he got a couple waves, before he left. Once the duo had gone, it was just Merle, Carl and Brooks in the room. In the tense silence it was before Judith and Cam entered... Luckily though, Sophia walked in.

"Finally!" Carl cheered, standing to his feet to escape the intense pressure Merle's eyes were placing on him.

Putting down her bottle, Brooks walked towards Sophia and the girls left the house, Carl following quickly behind. They saw Daryl sitting on the porch, fiddling with his crossbow. "You showered, yet?" Sophia asked, as the three stopped on the porch to speak to him.

Daryl scoffed. "Pigs flyin'?"

"No, but the dead's walking." Carl retorted. Pursing his lips and narrowing his eyes, Daryl glared at the boy until he ran down the steps and waited on the road for Sophia and Brooks.

"Come on, Daryl, my mom wants to wash that vest." Sophia tried, smiling sweetly.

Shrugging, Daryl grumbled. "Your mom's also wearin' a yellow shirt, right now. Yellow should not be worn by anyone over the age of three."

Laughing, Brooks shook her head. "So, you're not gonna let 'er wash your clothes?"

"Not over my dead body." Daryl replied. "You two girls run off now, I heard there's a park 'ere, go play."

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