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"I, the king of Guggenheim, give my words to you, Artemisia Gaddi Allard, as the new chosen commander who will guide and protect our people of Guggenheim. Long live Guggenheim." I slowly closed my eyes as the king's sword patted my head and shoulders, a ritual for electing the new commander of Guggenheim.

The Dukes and Duchesses, the Marquess and Marchioness, the Countess and Viscountess are all present for the important ceremony. My father and the other chosen noblemen are all invited to witness my success, the first-ever female Knight's Commander.

A triumphant smile curved on my lips as I stood and turned to all the witnesses. They were all clapping their hands as they watched me bow my head in front of the King and to them as well.

While looking at all those people who attended this ceremony, it reminded me of all the hard work and sacrifices I had made to get to this position. Ever since I was a little kid, my dream has been to be a warrior, to fight against the enemy and protect all the people of Guggenheim.

Thanks to the help of my beloved father for teaching me all the skills he had in a single book that helped me a lot.

"You did great, my lady. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart," Thomas said, smiling, his eyes sparkling as he looked at me proudly.

I chuckled as I bowed my head to my loyal servant. "Thank you, Thomas. You did a great job as well," I patted his head to make him feel good.

Thomas, my loyal servant and right hand, is a shape-shifter with the ability to transform into whatever he wishes. We've been together since I was born, growing old side by side, both willing to sacrifice for each other.

"My daughter, I am very proud of you," my smile vanished as my beloved father pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back as he caressed my hair.

"Thank you, Father. I owe everything to you," I whispered while still hugging him. All of my success is nothing without my father, Octavio Allard.

He did not say anything; he just hugged me until all the witnesses went closer to congratulate me one by one. I was busy accommodating all the invited individuals until one of my colleagues entered the picture.

He was smiling-no, more likely a spiteful smile. I really hate his guts. But, I need to be in a good mood, so I just smiled back-more likely, a sympathetic but spiteful smirk.

"Congratulations, Commander Gaddi," he said and bowed his head. I mimicked what he did before speaking.

"Congratulations as well, Captain Gratho," I smirked shamelessly to remind him that he is nothing when it comes to fighting skills. He can't even make me fall on the ground when we had our one on one battle.

"You're so full of yourself, Artemisia Gaddi. But, I just want to warn you that don't be too relax, I might steal your sucess," He leaned closer to whispered on my ears. His bitterness are written all over his face. The smile on my lips is still plastered while listening to his nonsense.

"I'll take that and I appreciates your effort for telling me," I answered back. He smirked one more time before leaving me alone.

A tired and relief sighed came out from my mouth when he's gone. Then, Thomas suddenly appeared on my right side. He was been listening to our conversation as a tiny mosquito flying around.

He's raising his eyebrow while watching the Captain walking away.

"I've never liked that man," He said without any emotions. I chuckled before I crossed my arm while looking as well to the direction of Captain Gratho.

Tale of the Fallen CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now