It's called infidelity

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At the adventurers’ guild in the royal city of Valhalla.

A young man and a woman face each other, and a middle-aged man…

“I’m not in love with you anymore.”

This was said by Alicia, a beautiful blond-haired, blue-eyed girl – his new wife, who was about 15 years younger than him.

It was just another day at the guild.

The unexpected words came out of the blue, like a bolt of lightning just passed through him.


The only thing that came out of Nasser’s mouth was confusion.

In a matter of seconds, the inside of the building, which was crowded with adventurers and full of noise and bustle, became completely quiet.

The person who was told to do this was unable to say anything else, but…


Nasser Virginia, was taken aback by the suddenness of the event, but quickly came to his senses and questioned his wife Alicia.

But instead, the answer came from a young man with dark hair, dark eyes, a strong body and beautiful appearance – the hero Kōji.

Nasser and the other adventurers around him are clearly different from the usual brown-haired, blue-eyed look that is common in this region. He is a beautiful and strong man who looks nothing like Nasser…….

He was laughing at Nasser.

“What? You still don’t get it, do you, old man?”

Even if Nasser was told by a hero who was about two times younger with his insulting tone, he couldn’t understand anything at all.

Nasser had already offered him a job in the guild, and that was what he said.

But that doesn’t matter now.

“What do you mean……?”

Nasser asks Alicia in an unintentionally shaky tone, but the answer received was still from  Kōji. He says it like it was nothing.

“Alicia says she’d rather have me than you.”

He then pulled Alicia into a hug and started making out with her in front of Nasser.

The bastard Kōji, of course. intertwined his fingers and held his girlfriend’s hand in front of the public

It’s unorthodox for a married woman to make out with another man infront of her husband.. For a moment……Nasser’s mind goes blank.

Alicia’s eyes are also troubled when she realises.

In a moment of clarity, Alicia’s eyes are also troubled.

But she doesn’t seem to mind, in fact she seems to be used to it.

“Oi,you two….Do you know what you’re doing!”

“We love each other, so…what?”

The face of the hero who is supposed to have a well-groomed face looks really ugly.

“I’m sorry. You…..”

Alicia is looking at the hero with an uplifted face. She says to Nasser in a little apologetic tone.

However, as soon as she started flirting with the hero. Nasser, who was getting angry, grabbed the hero’s shoulder and tried to pull it away.

──I don’t know if they love each other or not!

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