The Summoner Is Reborn

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“I’m going to kill you ────.”

“That’s right!”

“I’ll kill you!”

“My enemy.”

“My Sworn Enemy!!”

“Avenge the captain and my family!”


If Nasser could have summoned a dragon, the first person he would have wanted to kill was that hero Kōji!

He lost once, but he didn’t give a damn!

He’ll kill him next time.

Nasser will make sure of it.

“It’s not like last time, okay?”

“I’m not fighting for Alicia.”

“I’m not doing this for my pride.”

“To avenge my dragon.”

“And to avenge my family and my captain!”

For this reason

First things first.

“The Adventurers’ Guild!”

That guildmaster, a descendant of the ──── Sword Saint, and Nasser enemy….

“Wash your neck and wait!”

At the very least, Nasser will gather up all the ex-criminals and the adventurers who mocked him.

“I’ll kill them all at once.”

The leader trembles as he stare at Nasser with murderous intent intact.

“Hiiiiii! No, no, no! Stop!”

“I won’t kill you (for now), but you’ll have to follow me to the guild.”

Nasser himself is covered in scars due to the war, but he suppresses his pain with anger and energy, and then he chokes the man and stares him straight in the face.

“I’m going to kill the guild master. You’re going to testify that he told you to kill me!”

“Hyiiii!!! If you do that…”


A sharp cut was made on the leader’s back.

Before Nasser knew it, the infantryman had drawn his bayonet and was hitting  his back.

“All right, all right! I understand, so stop it ──!”

“Say that from the start!”


Nasser hit him on the head as hard as he could, and left him  with the soldiers.

At this point, Nasser took a ragged breath and fell to his knees.

He was so angry that he didn’t realise that he was actually hurt pretty badly.

In addition to the wound on his leg, his body was bruised and battered by the goblins.


But still, Nasser has to gather his strength.

“It’s not over yet,…….”

“I’m not going to die in this place!”

Nasser decided not to hold back anymore.

His life was abandoned by the people of the kingdom and the church to die like a fool.

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