It's the art of living

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It's the art of living

The rain is pouring down.

Nasser, who had been on the verge of freezing to death, finally woke up to the rapid deprivation of his body heat.

It was still daylight when he witnessed the execution of his parents and the burning of his captain.

The sky was dark with mist and the town was quietly in darkness.

It had taken more than half a day for him to regain consciousness.

It seemed that night had already fallen for quite some time. As time passed, no one would have tried to help him.

Nasser  has been left unrestrained and unattended.

If he was still being restrained, he doubted anyone would dare touch it, seeing the branding of a heretic onto his chest. The citizens didn’t want to have the punishment laid upon them.

But he was wrong, judging from the number of stones scattered around me, he knew some of them tried to harm him.

Was it a coincidence that he didn’t freeze to death?


After the burning, which is still hot.

Not even a bone remains of the captain who was burned by the hero…….

The only thing that remains is the charred remains of the Church Cross.

She was the one who protected him after he had lost everything.

And he remembers about his parents.

The tears, which he thought had long since dried up, began to flow again.

The loss of his dragon was such a small thing compared to losing the people he loved and cherished.

On the freezing night, he felt the heat of the captain and his parents’ embrace and could not move an inch.

And then.

“Hey, look! He’s still here, you heretic scum!”

Bun ──── Becha.

A food waste was thrown at him, still seeing Nasser couldn’t move well.

“HyaHahaha! Look at that! The shit got hit by the shit!”

It’s the drunkards who laugh vulgarly with ‘Gahahahaha.’

Some are dressed as soldiers, others as civilians.

One after the other, they throw food scraps, horse manure and stones at him.

At first, Nasser did not resist, but when he was hit in the head with a stone, he could only stagger away.

The bodies of my parents had been cleared away, but the wreckage of the burnt captain still remained.

Although he felt it was difficult to leave, he had no choice but to flee from the stone-throwing soldiers and civilians.

“Please don’t do this…….”

Those were the words he squeezed out of his mouth that  made the crowd grow bolder.

They kept throwing stones at him until they got tired of chasing him, and his body was covered with bruises.

Finally, by the time the citizens had dispersed, he was swollen all over.

He escaped to a strange bridge in the town.

He hid himself in a pile of dead branches and rubbish, trying to keep warm at the same time.

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