Adventurers' Guild.

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That day, it was business as usual at the Adventurers’ Guild.

The number of adventurers was neither large nor small.

There was a lull in the morning, as the adventurers were no longer busy taking requests.


The receptionist, who had planned to leave after the night shift, had lost her chance to leave due to a minor disturbance that occurred earlier this morning.

This meant that she was trapped in the busy morning hours and forced to work the counter as a helper.

She hadn’t been with the company long enough to be able to push her work to her busy colleagues.


As she rubbed her eyes, she remembered the commotion of this morning.

Nasser Virginia.

He is a retired soldier and a highly skilled adventurer who is a valuable Dragon Summoner.

Although he doesn’t seem to be aware of it, he has risen through the ranks to become an A-level adventurer, the highest rank in the guild. And that in a very short time.

He is friendly and his face is not bad.

He is sincere and mild-mannered for an adventurer. He is also a man who is not afraid to show off his abilities, which is why people like and trust him.


There were many.

When Nasser first registered with the Adventurers’ Guild, he was the most popular male prospect among the women in the guild because of his good looks, good personality, and good work ethic.

Nasser, who was completely unaware of the situation, didn’t seem to notice, but he was being attacked hard.

However, it was only the meek women who were interested in Nasser’s abilities. Most of them were not taken seriously, but……there was one who attacked fiercely.

That is Alicia Bird. (アリシア・バード)

……was until recently Alicia Virginia, but has since reverted to her original family name.

Youth and good looks. Alicia uses her youth, her beauty and her body as a weapon to attack.

She is a little girl who, after a lot of planning, has finally found herself the bride’s seat. That’s what people think of Alicia.

“She says that Nasser is the first man she’s ever met, but I don’t know if that’s true…….”

Anyway, Alicia was about to marry the promising Nasser, and she was very excited about it. day, a talented person who surpassed Nasser  appeared.

That’s the “Hero Kōji”…….

He is the strongest warrior from another world.

The guild has changed since he came to the guild through the king’s introduction.

A powerful man and the strongest man in the world.

In this country, he is almost a myth.

He was a man of great youth, great beauty and great stature, a man loved by the gods.

The adventurers, especially the women, were excited. And the men, of course.

……it was amazing.

It was as if beauty, money, status and honour were walking around in their clothes. Everyone was doing everything they could to get in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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