The name is Do...

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This is a forested area on the outskirts of the capital.

The forest is managed by the capital, but in addition to wild animals, relatively weak monsters appear here.

There are plenty of great crow, groundboar, and the goblin.

They were always a nuisance, always coming out of the woodwork, no matter how hard we hunted them.

The goblins are the most troublesome of all the monsters, who band together to raid outlying villages and kidnap livestock, women and children

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The goblins are the most troublesome of all the monsters, who band together to raid outlying villages and kidnap livestock, women and children.

The goblins are killed all year round before they can do any damage.

It's a dangerous mission with low pay. Not many adventurers liked the idea.

So the job fell to the hagglers of society, like Nasser and his current ragtag crew.

And now, the fire ragtag group and he are going to destroy the goblins based on the sightings gathered from the neighbourhood - but so far there has been no contact yet.

They have no choice but to search through the forest, relying only on confirmed information. In the meantime, Nasser spent his free time chatting with the group.

"Hey, ......, I hear you're a former Class A adventurer."

"........... Aaa."

He replied in an absent-minded manner. He was tired of dealing with him, but he couldn't ignore him.

Currently, Nasser is using a wooden stick as his weapon and keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings.

"I heard you're a heretic.......You can tell by that branding, can't you? Heh, I heard you can't use the summoning techniques that drove you to A-levels anymore"

However, the leader of the group, who may or may not be aware of Nasser's attitude, asks his friend to leave him alone.

And the question is too rude and insulting.

The words he said to Nasser about not being able to use summoning techniques made him feel as if the wound in his chest and the curse mark of summoning techniques were heating up.

"What's it to you, ...... goblin? I'm good enough without summoning."

This isn't wrong.

Nasser knows he's not in the best physical condition, but even if he doesn't rely on summoning techniques, he was still a former soldier.

He can fight as well as any other adventurer.

In fact, it's not as if he've been using it all the time before.

Whenever it is available, it should be used actively, but considering the amount of magic power it consumes, it is better to use it only when it is necessary.

Nasser's summoning technique was lvl 5, so lesser summoners can be summoned for a reasonably long time, but the summoning time of lvl 5 red dragons (medium ) can be summoned for a very short time.

Summoning German armyWhere stories live. Discover now