Chapter 1: My Bestfriend

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"So this—" you try so hard to suppress your laughter, pointing his sunglasses with your index finger, "is what made you go back to your bike?" Finally letting out your laughter, you giggle, "Where do you think you're going?! The beach?!"

He snorts and playfully drags you through the field, "Relaaax~ just a prop to mess with you—just a ritual. But sheesh—see that sunlight? That's why you need to watch those weather forecasts, bro. Anyways, everything I do always has to consist. of logical reasoning. You know I'm not that.." he pauses, racking his brains to justify whatever stunt he just pulled, but you race him through it as you laugh,

"Weird? Freaky? Bizzaro?"

You both finally enter the school hall, adorned with classic minimalist décor from corner to corner. He frowns in disapproval the same time he removes his RayBan from his face and scoffs, "Ha. Funny. Don't even try to fuse the bomb, Winters. You see—"

Releasing you, he adjusts his unbuttoned shirt proudly, and sneers with the most smug face he's ever made, "You wouldn't dare—cross The King of River High, peasant," he boasts. Now that you're face to face, you visibly roll your eyes and cross your hands, challenging his boasting. "Everyone agrees." he adds with an eyebrow raised.

Rolling your eyes in discreet amusement, you skid to a pink decorated locker. However, the moment you see the dangling red lock on the handle.. you pause. Seeing your hesitation, Tyler knitted his eyebrows in disbelief, jeering, "Are you seriously forgetting the combination—" but before he can even continue his protest, the lock opens with a satisfying click.

"Awwwh how cute~ you're mad I forgot about our anniversary?" you retort sarcastically before pulling out several things to your bag as he rolls his eyes in irritation. Finishing, you slam your locker shut, revealing Tyler with his arms folded upon his chest with an annoyed expression.

"Oooh King of River High. I can see that. Rode to school with your brand new Ducati~" you tease, making the most exaggerated worshiping hand movements, playfully flattering him until it looks like hearts pouring out of your eyes, "I mean—look at the looong awaited hair! Wow!" You see, glorifying him has been a sugar to your coffee, a Tom to your Jerry—okay that doesn't make sense. "Our heartthrob scheming to steal some hearts, huh?!" you mock.

Hearing a hint of sarcasm in your claim, he laughs heartily, saying, "Ha—Don't worry. Even when I'm at the top, I never forget about you, Winters," in a swift move, he sandwiches your cheeks with his palms, and squeezes with all he might. His friendship bracelet dangling, grazing your cheeks. Lowering his face to yours, he shouts in glee, "You know you'll always be my favorite peasant~"

Pouting, you mumble between his palms, "Awww, wanna know a secret?" He raises his left eyebrow in amusement, already expecting another one of your comebacks before you finally yell, "You'll always be not my favorite boy!"

Switching on his Oscar-worthy acting skills, he jumps away from you in exaggeration as you rub your cheeks with narrowed eyes. Acting fuming, he shouts, "Ooh, that sounds personal. That's harsh, even for you Em—!"


However, before either of you could react, a blonde haired boy flung his arms around you and Tyler. The voice reminds you of sunshine, yellow, crackers.. Liam.

"Liam Wyatt! Can you tone down your arrivals a little bit?" you giggle in recognition. The boys are already busy with their so-called 'handshake' as you shake your head in amusement, "Sheesh—why you always gotta be so extra?!"

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