Chapter 7: Life is Just a Dare

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"Pssstt! Em!"

From a distance, Eve whispers your name, and since you're.. you know—a little bit hard in the hearing, you just nod and squint in response. Eventually, she leaves her spot and crawls over to you. When she's finally by your side, with her signature smile, she asks,

"Who's your first kiss?"

Giving her the most disgusted expression you can muster, you jeer, "Are you seriously going all the way here just to ask that cliche?"

Ignoring your pettiness, she rolls her eyes, challenging, "Please don't tell me it's Cavill—"

"W—what?! I'm not that lame!"

"So who was it?!"

'Ugh, here comes her annoying persistence,' you thought. However.. reluctantly.. you let your mind wander back to a memory..

 you let your mind wander back to a memory

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August 2014

The sky was a canvas of blue, the air was filled with the sweet scents of blooming flowers. Giggles and laughter echoed through the gentle breeze as children took turns daring each other to climb trees and share silly secrets. It was all lighthearted fun..

Until the bottle spun its way to you.

With a mischievous grin, a girl with auburn hair squinted her eyes at you and asked,

"Truth or dare?"

Despite your established reputation, feeling adventurous, you boldly chose, "Dare." After a brief moment of contemplation, the girl teasingly suggested,

"I dare you to give Tyler a kiss! On the lips!"

A grin crept across little Cavill's face instantly as he contemplated the impending dare, looking down with a hint of sheepishness. A different sight when it comes to your face, now all flushed in different shades of red.

"Huh—but we—" you stammered. Hesitantly, you spin your head to your right, checking his reaction. And at the same time as you, he gave you a sideway glance, suppressing a bashful smile.

"Come on! Are you gonna do it, or not?!"

Impatient, a boy with a helmet cut who had been sitting beside the girl complained. Blushing but determined not to back down from a dare, you hoped for a remission from the other kids.. and leaned in, intending to kiss Tyler's cheek. However, he unexpectedly turned his head towards you—

To make you both kiss.

In the lips.

In that electrifying moment, both of your hearts skipped a beat. The other kids erupted into cheers. But the enchantment was short-lived as their cheers are enough to have woken you up—you both pulled away instantly, exclaiming in unison,

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