Chapter 4: Pray Tell

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Now you're in a different room. Hands on your waist, demanding an explanation to the biggest heartthrob in River High. Tyler runs a hand through his hair, frustrated is an understatement right now.

"You did not. just pulled that shit with my mom and demanded an explanation! You know how she is!" he protests, a frown forming on his face as he points his index finger to you. He throws his head to the side in distress—before he continues glaring at you.

Ok, yes, Tyler's mom is a liiiiittle bit strict with him about it—with the 'we should respect women' and the 'do not ever—easily hop on from one to another' speech, and.. yes, sometimes he gets a liiiiittle bit too much speeches whenever she gets any confidential information from me (both voluntarily and forcefully). But—hello? He brought this to himself by telling mine to dad?! And oh my gosh—don't remind me about poor Nate—

After winning a war in your head you knit your eyebrows in annoyed confusion, barking, "And you did not just carry me on your back without you explaining shit!" holding your temper, you throw your hands to the air then points at him, "and how dare you—cutting me off from candidates while here you are—" knowing where the conversation going, he stares at you in a serious expression—maybe the first time he's using his head in these several hours—before you continue in fervent, and give him the final blow, "having a fucking girlfriend!"

You pant after the intense exchange. He stares at you in a little bit of resignation—maybe also with a little bit of guilt. "Ok when you point that out.. it does sound pretty unfair, I know," he admits, doing an up and down movement with his hands in front of his waist.

'No shit, Sherlock', you curse in your head. Following his white flag, your glare starts to dim. You lower your hands from your waist to cross it in front of your belly. "So explain you doofus, when and how the hell did you find this new girlfriend of yours," you pout.

He sighs, but then he leads you by the hand.. to his bed.

Both of you sit across from each other on the soft linen, both crossing your hands on your stomachs, staring at each other with a weariness painted on your faces

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Both of you sit across from each other on the soft linen, both crossing your hands on your stomachs, staring at each other with a weariness painted on your faces.

"You first." he says with a stern low voice.

"Why not you?" you answer stubbornly.

"All this happened cause you have a date for this weekend in the first place, am I correct, Winters?" he nags, lifting an eyebrow, questioning you.

You give him a narrowed 'what the fuck' eyes and complain, "Technically, you're the first one to keep a secret from me on how you have a date—" you smirk and corrected your words, "supposed to have a date—" Tyler rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh, "for today. Out of all the days we have in this life, you already have a date today. Not this weekend—like me. Not this Friday. Today. This Monday."

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