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RYDER STARK WAS  in a dilemma. It had been approximately a week since he had came to the decision of telling his friends about the truth about his parentage. 

First two days, he spent making sure that this was something he actually wanted to do and not just his emotions getting the better of him. Which, of course, they weren't because he's Ryder. 

Then he pondered over how to tell Pepper that he wanted to tell them. I mean, if the man himself was here he would ask him but since his father had been missing for the past months, he couldn't. 

Anyways, he told Pepper. She took it brilliantly and he swears she smiled for the first time in a long while. 

Which brings him to where he is now, standing at his locker surrounded by the rest of his friends. 

"But like dude, Percy Jackson would literally mop the floor with Harry Potter. He has got absolutely no chance!" Nolan's hands were spread open as if he deserved a Nobel prize for his opinion. 

He wasn't wrong but that wasn't what was on Ryder's mind. 

"Hey guys, listen. I have to tell all of you something why don't we meet in the cafeteria for lunch?" Ryder leaned on his locker, cutting the conversation short. 

"Yeah sure man, everything alright with you?" Zane Smith asked whilst everyone nodded to Ryder's previously stated question. 

"Yeah, everything's fine. I'll see you guys later." 

Ryder's pretty sure his friends have noticed the fact that the circles under his eyes have grown darker but no matter, they have been waiting so long for an explanation they could wait a few more hours. 


He couldn't, in any possible way, escape the stares that he had been getting from his friends during his classes. He was surprised Scarlet hadn't marched over to his seat, punched him and asked him what he wanted to tell them during AP Calculus. 

But none the less, the stares were getting to him and that is why he let out a sigh of relief when the bell for lunch rang. 

He thought he was the first to arrive but of course all of his friends were sitting around their usual table and eagerly waved as soon as they saw him. As he sat down, a certain awkward silence settled around them.

"So the mac and che-" 

"Oh for god's sake can you just tell us already?" Gen interrupted his extremely informative comment on the cafeteria's menu but no matter.

"Alright," Ryder took a deep breath, "So like I told you this morning I have something to tell you guys." 

As he formed the sentence in his head, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. "Hold on a sec," He said to the rest of them elliciting a groan from the group.

It was Pepper calling. 

He feared for the worst, his heart started pounding like someone had taken a hammer and was  continuously banging it on the inside of his chest. His hands began to shake, all the noise around him had disappeared. He was surrounded by students but it was like there was no one with him at all. 

With a shaky breath, he picked up the call. "Hello?"

"We found him kid, we found him." Pepper's voice from the other side of the line called out. Ryder had never heard a more relieving news than this. 

𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆, son of t. stark  Where stories live. Discover now