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"AS LIAISON TO STARK INDUSTRIES, I've had the unique privilege of serving with a real patriot. He is my friend and he is my great mentor. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present this year's Apogee Award to Mr. Tony Stark." 

Ryder sat in front of the TV, in his room where he was watching the award ceremony. Rhodey, who he had met a couple days after his birthday, was presenting it to his dad or as you may have from the words above, Tony Stark. "Tony?"

He, Pepper and Rhodey all knew his dad enough that they figured he wouldn't show up. He had just accepted it better than both of them. Obadiah Stane, a partner of the Stark Industries and a friend of his Tony's dad (his grandpa), came up and accepted the award instead. 

He didn't know why he was watching but he supposed it was better then actually attend it like Pepper had suggested. She wanted him to pose as her assistant and go with them but he had kindly rejected that offer because frankly he didn't really care. 

"Thank you, Colonel." Obadiah smiled at Rhodey as his hands wrapped around the award. Obadiah Stane was a really old looking man and he was one too. He didn't really like him cause just looking at the guy gave him the creeps. 

Rhodey leaned and muttered something, obviously he didn't hear it but judging by the look on Rhodey's face, it seemed like he was very grateful that someone stepped up instead of leaving him to stand there and drown in embarrasment. 

"This is beautiful. Thank you. Thank you all very much. This is wonderful. Well, I'm not Tony Stark-" No shit, Sherlock  "But if I were Tony, I would tell you how honored i feel-" He shut the tv and threw the remote...somewhere. 

The sheer amount of bullshit that was coming out of Stane's mouth was incredible. Everybody knew that Tony wouldn't say anything like that. He would most probably be drunk out of his mind and would have a much more grand entrance than that. He was 99% sure his dad was either in the bar or in the casino. 

And he was a hundred percent sure that he'd have to sneak out early tomorrow because another woman would be in the house. "Light's out." he said to himself and headed to bed. 

"Hey J?" He called out to the weirdly British sounding AI. "Yes, Mr. Stark." His reply cam almost instantly. He had gotten used to calling out Jarvis and having little conversations with him. "Is there anybody else in the house?" He asked.

"There is a journalist that Mr. Stark accompanied last night. Her name is Christine Everhart." J sounded sympathetic (can robots sound sympathetic?) "Where is she right now?" He needed to know if it was clear for him to go out.

"She is currently playing with controls of your room." He answered. "She doesn't have the authority to do that." Ryder replied quickly putting on his jacket. "That is exactly what I told her, sir. I suggest you wait five minutes before heading out seeing as she currently in a conversation with Ms. Potts." 

Bad day for her, starting her day by getting sassed by Pepper. Ryder plopped down on his bed and groaned. Why did always have to hide? Couldn't they just say he was Pepper's nephew or something? He didn't have time for this, he needed to wish Pepper a happy birthday and give her the gift he bought. 

He looked at his watch and decided that he needed to go. As he got out of the elevator, he saw Pepper distressed (probably about Tony). "Hey Pepper." He looked at her. Suddenly she broke in to a smile. "Hey." 

"Happy Birthday!" he smiled widely and handed her a velvet box, it wasn't that expensive since he didn't have that much money and he certainly wasn't going to ask Tony. But he wanted to get her something as she's been nothing but nice to him ever since he got there. 

"Ryder. You didn't have to get me anything." She looked she was about to cry when she opened the box. It was simplistic chain that had a little charm. She pulled him into a bone crushing hug.  

After she released him from the hug, she held the chain out to him. "You wanna put it on me?" She asked with a slight smile. He nodded and took it from. He clasped the chain around her neck. "I love it." She said. "Now go, don't you have school?" He sighed and waved her goodbye                              
"Did you guy's watch the award ceremony yesterday. Did you guy's see how he didn't turn up...again?" Right, Ryder probably forgot to mention that most of his friend group was obsessed with Tony Stark or you know, his dad. 

They probably didn't notice how wouldn't participate in any discussions about him or they probably thought that he was like Genevive and Margaret and didn't like him. 

 He suddenly got a feeling in the pit of his stomach. A feeling that something was very wrong. "Ryder! Earth to Ryder." He heard someone call him. He looked up to see Scarlett looking at him in concern. "You alright?" 

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out for a minute there." 

But he couldn't shake that feeling for the rest of the day.


He got home pretty late as they had gone to catch a movie but he didn't expect to see what he saw when he came back. Ryder saw Pepper sobbing on the couch clutching a phone to her ear. He quickly knelt down beside her, "Pepper, look at me. Why are you crying? What's wrong?" 

"Tony..." She muttered, she couldn't form full sentences. Pepper, hey. Pepper The voice came out of the cellphone she was holding. It sounded like Rhodey. He took the phone out of her hand and pressed it against his ear. "Hello? Rhodey? What's wrong?" 

"Ryder! Tony's been kidnapped." He said, his voice all panicky. 'What do you mean he's been kidnapped?" 

"He had weapons demonstration in Afghanistan and when we were coming back, we were attacked." His breathing was heavy. "What do i do?" For now just calm down Pepper. 

[Published 27.1.21]
Hey hey! Guess who it is? That's right, the worst author in the world!!! Anyway what are you guys up to? How are you? Are you guys okay?

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