"ARE YOU SURE ABOUT this?" Michelle's drunk form fumbled with a hand on his shoulder. "I've never been more sure about anything else in my life." He pressed his lips on her forehead, wrapping an arm around her.

"Then let's go get married!" She screamed, pumping her fist in the air them stumbling to the ground, giggling. Tony picked her up bridal style, which she was going to be in a few hours and that to in Atlantic City!

Let me tell you how they got here. You see these two were Tony Stark and Michelle Adley. They, along with Rhodey were the bestest friends. Rhodey was usually the one, who got them out of trouble but a single person can only take much.

When you're with someone for the most part of your day and you connect so well, feelings develop. It depends on the two people to choose to act on it. And, they did. They did and they've dating for a year and guess what today is? That's right, it's their anniversary.

Tony had pulled out a blanket on the ground, some wine, a nice little stargazing. They talked and laughed. And maybe had a bit too much wine. And now they were on their way to get married.

They had been married by a Elvis imposter, not ideal but who cares? After they were an officially married couple, they stumbled in the hotel room, screaming at top of their lungs about stupid stuff and giggling like 12 year-olds.

Tony closed the door and paused to look at Michelle, who was laughing her head off. She stopped once she realised that he had stopped laughing, "What?"

"Nothing." He smiled and leaned in, she placed her hand on the sides of his face and pressed her lips to his. And the night faded like that with them, a hotel room and a night that would hold a special place in both of their hearts.


December 13, 2007

Ryder was not excited about the day. Which was usual but today was special day, it was his birthday. You may already know that Ryder wasn't a normal person (whatever that is), but he particularly hated his birthday because his mom, who is now dead by the way, could never celebrate it with him.

For some stupid reason, his mom was always called up to the channel headquarters on every single one of his birthdays, except for one where they baked cookies at midnight than she had to go to work.

Maybe Pepper didn't know it was my birthday and nobody at school knows so, it should be great. But, when does he get what he want? As soon as he walked downstairs, he saw a brightly smiling Pepper who was holding a cake and Tony, who looked like he didn't want to be there.

Tony and Ryder had a complicated relationship. By complicated relationship, he means it would be non-existent if they didn't throw sassy insults to each other.

"Happy Birthday, Ryder!" She screamed with a happiness that none of the two men shared. Ryder gave her a tight lipped forced smile and looked down. He knew Pepper didn't mean any harm but he didn't want to celebrate his birth. If anything the question should be, why celebrate his birth?

"You're getting old, grandpa. Do you need glucosamine to help your joints?" Tony asked him, cheekily. "No. But you might want to get into beauty care, you're getting wrinkles all over your face. I've heard that Koreans have amazing skincare, maybe try that." He said with a smug smile. Pepper coughed while giving the two a heated glare.

"Blow the candles." She said, deciding that today was gonna be ruined by the two's arguing. "Look, Pepper...I really appreciate you doing this and all but I don't really wanna celebrate something as absurd as my birthday." He stared at her with his chocolate eyes. Tony didn't want to admit it but his and Ryder's views were shared on mostly everything.

"But just one slice..." She trailed giving him the puppy eyes. Ryder sighed, knowing she wasn't going to let it go so, he just blew the candles and took the knife and stabbed the cake. She took the piece from him and let him take a a bite out of it, "Do you like it?" A slight nervousness in her voice.

He had never seen her like this, she was usually very confident but now she looked very unsure of herself. "Yeah, it's amazing! Where did you get it?" She lifted her head, "I actually baked it last night." His eyes widened at the revelation and hugged her. Pepper was surprised but she was always up for a hug from her favorite Stark (Don't tell Tony).

Tony looked at them with a content expression. Those two were the only people he had, even though he wouldn't admit he cared for Ryder. He loved him and if somebody even dared to hurt him, he would tear them apart.

Ryder released Pepper from his hug and threw a awkward glance towards Tony before walking out. Hopefully, none of his friends digged around to find his birthday because he hadn't told them. Well, he hadn't told them anything other than his name.

He got out of his car after he parked it. He winked at a girl who was standing with her friend staring at him. Suddenly, somebody hit him on the arm, it was Scarlett. "What?" He stared down at her tiny figure.

"Nothing." She said, nonchalantly. She still hadn't let go of his hand and was now dragging him towards the cafeteria. Ryder's friends were cool like him. He got along with all of them even Zane given their first meeting.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" It was all of his friends and the whole school. Ryder's initial mood wasn't suitable for this surprise but after Pepper's amazing chocolate cake anything was possible.

"How did you guys know it was my birthday?" He asked them while walking to their first class. "We may or may not have slipped into the office and pulled up your information." Genevie said, smiling slightly.

And the day was spent with classes, a party in the evening at Aiden's with alcohol and happiness but Ryder didn't know that this would be his last few days of bliss before everything went downhill.

[Published 8. 12. 20]
Heyyyy, guys. What's up? I haven't updated in sooooooo long, you guys probably thought I was dead. Anyway, happy reading!

𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆, son of t. stark  Where stories live. Discover now