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You, Zane & 5 others


I'm Tony Stark's son.
He's gonna announce it in a press
con in 10 minutes.
thought you guys should know

Lett 🦩

Nolan 🏋️
you better not be joking, Marg is he joking?

Zane 🕳️

Margaret 🪶
Guys, turn on the tv right now. Ryder 's on every channel,  and I mean every single one. Even international ones are covering this.

Aiden 🤓
Okay, I just got out of  tutoring BUT WHAT IS THIS?

Genevieve 🍁
Is this what you wanted to tell us today
before you ran out?
Is that when you got the call that they
found him????

RYDER'S PHONE HAD been blowing up like this since yesterday. He, like every good communicating teenager, had not responded to a single text or call. It's not like he didn't want to, he did. He really did, but he didn't know how. He'll call them, he thought, eventually. 

Since Pepper had told him to stay out of school for a while (he agreed wholeheartedly) because of the drop that Tony had done, he was headed to the lab. This had, of course, became some sort of a routine for Ryder in the past couple of months. A roughly pulled together method of coping, one could say. 

What he had entirely forgotten to account for was the presence of his billionaire father who, upon his return, had managed to begin nesting in the basement lab of his own mansion. 

Which brings him to where he is now, standing at bottom stair of the the many leading to the lab with his father standing a few foot in front of him. Both had been starting at each other for atleast a whole minute and it was beginning to become slightly awkward. 

It is worth mentioning that after the debacle that the Stark family (namely Tony) had put on at the press conference yesterday, he hadn't got a chance to converse with his father. 


He was the first to break out of his trance and move around the room/garage/lab, whatever you wanted to call it really. He grazed his hand along Dummy, and settled on a small edge of a table that wasn't cluttered with random knick-knacks. 

He could see some a few sketches but before he could properly look at them and figure out what they were for, his father called out. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I like spending my time in the lab," 

You came in my lab? was the silent question Tony sent him.

Ryder gave Tony an unimpressed look, "Who do you think consoled Dummy out of setting fire to all your projects?" He crossed his arm across his chest, "Or your cars for that matter," 

At that, Tony turned accusingly to Dummy, "Did you try to set fire to my cars?" 

At his raised voice, Dummy whirred and moved slightly behind the younger Stark hoping for his protection. 

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