Chapter 4: Levi

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"So, how'd it go?" Hanji asked cheerfully when the attendant handed him off to her.

Levi shrugged. "I dunno. Fine, I guess."

Truthfully, he was expecting to be sent home after this round. He'd tried, like he'd promised his mother. He'd tried to present himself well, tried to give the queen and the Choosing a chance. Even so, he couldn't imagine why she'd want him to stay. He obviously didn't belong here, in this world of grandeur and etiquette and high education.

Subverting. He'd never heard that word. Based on context, he figured it meant something like defying, but he didn't know for sure. Thank the Moon, the queen hadn't seemed to notice his brief moment of confusion. Before, he'd never much cared that he didn't have a fancy vocabulary, or that he could barely read. He was strong and street savvy, and back home, that was enough to get by, even enough to earn respect. He'd never felt stupid, not really – but today, he had. He'd felt so stupid that it was viscerally humiliating. Just one more reminder of why he never should've set foot inside the palace in the first place.

On top of his ignorance, he'd cursed in front of the queen. Then he'd spent most of the conversation talking about how terrible his hometown was – which probably wasn't considered an appropriate topic for a first date, or whatever that had been back there. Who'd want to mate someone so apt to bring down the mood?

At least she'd seemed receptive to what he had to say. At least she'd seemed to care – which had surprised him to no end. He'd been hesitant to tell her the truth at first, expecting to be laughed off by a royal who had more important things to worry about than a handful of peasants in one measly little town. But she'd been different from all the stories he'd heard about rich types, different from the few wealthy merchants and nobles Levi had encountered in passing. She'd even promised to help, her face and voice so sincere.

Well...if she followed through, if Ore was helped in any way, that would be enough to make this whole farce worth the effort.

"It's normal to be nervous, but don't start counting yourself out yet," Hanji chimed, obviously trying to be supportive. "I'm sure it went great! Of course, we'll get the final results at 4 p.m., so make sure you're back in the corridor at that time. But until then, don't stress. Just relax and enjoy your free time. It's a beautiful day!"

Levi grunted noncommittally.

"Well, here we are! East wing, east wing!" Hanji chimed as she walked him up to the entrance and the two guards monitoring it. "See you soon, Levi! And remember – don't stress!"


Levi replayed his ten minutes with the queen over and over in his head – during lunch, and then after, sitting in his palace bedroom and staring out the window without really seeing anything. He didn't know why he was hyperfixating on every little detail; it wasn't as if he actually wanted to mate the queen. He didn't even want to be here in the first place. He wanted to go home.

Sure, the queen had been better than he'd expected. She'd been genuine, gracious, concerned for the welfare of her people. And, if he were being honest, she was quite beautiful. There'd been nothing to suggest she was overly aggressive, objectifying, quick to anger, abusive – none of the horrible traits his own alpha father had inflicted upon his mother until the bastard had finally disappeared from her life, leaving her pregnant and penniless.

Before he knew it, Hanji was knocking on his door and calling him into the foyer. Most of the others were already there when he arrived – only the blond boy who'd spoken up for him yesterday stumbled in later, still clutching a book in his arms. A male beta in palace staff livery stood in front of their wide arch, flanked by two guards on each side.

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