Chapter 14: Levi

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! Fair warning, this chapter is a little weird. Basically, Levi and the other participants get the omega equivalent of what would be a female wellness exam in our world. If you'd prefer not to read about that, you can skip everything after Hanji's announcement at the beginning of the chapter, and you won't miss any essential plot points. Happy reading!


The morning after the garden party, Hanji stood at one end of the breakfast table and addressed everyone. "Listen up, little darlings! As I'm sure you've noticed, there are only six of you left. Now that the participant pool is so small, there are a couple things we need to take care of.

"First, you'll all start spending most of your days in lessons. Normally, we'd only do that with the omega who ended up becoming the consort, but we don't have time to wait until one of you is chosen. The queen is already...well, the queen – not the heir. She's already ruling the country, and her consort will need to begin their duties immediately after the Choosing. So, we need to start preparing you now. You'll be taking lessons on history, current events, arts, languages, and etiquette – and the last of those will be taught by the Dowager Consort herself."

This sparked a flutter of whispers among the remaining participants. They hadn't seen the Dowager Consort since that first morning, and she still held a certain mystique that captivated most of the omegas. They looked up to her – though Levi had gotten the impression that the Dowager Consort looked down on them.

"Second," Hanji continued, "you'll all be examined by the palace medical team after breakfast today. While the queen is putting emphasis on other aspects of partnership, at the end of the day, the Royal Consort has a duty to continue the royal line, so we have to make sure you can carry children. It's better if we figure that out sooner rather than later, because...well, you know. Can't exactly wait until you're mated." Hanji laughed sheepishly.

The omegas appeared distinctly less enthused by this prospect – Levi included. He hadn't been examined by a doctor since he and Furlan had learned to set each other's broken bones. Doctors were too expensive – and he wasn't exactly comfortable having his body poked and prodded by a stranger, especially the areas needed for...children.

He couldn't bring himself to eat anything else after that. The others' appetites seemed to decline quickly as well, causing breakfast to end all too soon. Before Levi could mentally prepare himself, Hanji was leading them to the medical wing, where the males were separated from the females. Katarina tried to give Levi a reassuring smile as they parted ways, but it didn't help the nerves in his gut.

Levi and the other two males were brought to a small waiting room filled with a few leather chairs. A large, potted plant flowered in the corner, and some magazines had been left on the center table. Clearly, someone had tried to make this place welcoming, but to Levi, it felt too sterile.

Levi's nerves took away any desire to sit down, but in any case, he never got the chance. Only a few seconds after they entered the waiting room, a tiny redhead in a nurse's uniform emerged from the doorway on the other side, holding a clipboard in her hands. She smiled brightly at all of them.

"Good morning! Is one of you named Levi Ackerman?" she chimed.

Levi somehow kept his voice neutral. "Yeah. Me."

"Perfect! Please follow me." With that, she headed back down the hallway, and Levi made his feet move in the same direction.

Once he caught up, she glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled again. "My name is Petra, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

"Same here," Levi grunted. He picked up on the subtle, flowery aroma of her scent on the air and realized she was also an omega – which made him marginally more comfortable. He wondered if she'd be the one performing the exam. Did nurses do that?

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