Chapter 13: Levi

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Rather against his will, Katarina shoved Levi into a blue and black jacket with matching pants. The material was even more luxurious than what she'd bought for him at the shopping district – and the silver buttons appeared to be made of real silver. After slicking back his hair, he looked in the mirror and saw an entirely different person staring back at him, a person who could've actually passed for nobility.

In attire, at least.

But if he looked like a noble, Katarina was a goddess. She wore a purple gown of fine satin, which draped around her curves with the ease of flowing water. At the top of the plunging neckline, the material was fastened with large, gold brooches on each shoulder. Her red curls had been swept back and fashioned into an intricate high ponytail, and as usual, jewels dripped from her ears, neck, and wrists.

She stood behind him, hands on her hips, grinning in that smug way of hers. "See, I told you to trust me. Now, if you'd wear some jewelry – not too much, just one or two simple things. Maybe an earring or a bracelet –"

"No," he insisted, putting an end to that suggestion.

Before Katarina could argue, Hanji appeared in the doorway, wearing the same white uniform as always. While she was escorting them to the party, she wouldn't be attending. They'd be on their own.

"Ready to go, my little dumplings?" she chimed. "My, my – don't you both look gorgeous!"

Katarina flipped her ponytail and crooned, "Thank you, Hanji." But it sounded more like, "I know."

Hanji entered Levi's bedroom only long enough to shoo them out the door. On their way to the foyer, they collected Liliana and Juliana, who shot Levi and Katarina sour looks while Hanji's back was turned. Levi ignored them and focused on what Hanji was saying, in case she imparted some last-minute, helpful information.

She didn't. Her monologue was basically a reiteration of what she'd told them at breakfast yesterday – garden party, lots of dignitaries, behave. In light of this unhelpfulness, Levi found himself feeling deeply glad that he'd made friends with Katarina. She'd been attending parties like this her entire life. She'd help Levi get through it without embarrassing himself.

Hanji led them to the same garden where Levi had spent one of his dates with the queen. Like last time, the sprawling space was bursting with flowers of every color in full bloom, surrounded by the greenest leaves Levi had ever seen. Unlike last time, dozens of white chairs and tables had been placed on the lawn, along with a few awnings for guests who desired shade.

Already, about thirty guests were present and mingling, holding glass flutes filled with something bubbly between their fingertips. The other four participants were here as well, chatting and laughing like they did this every day. Levi looked for the queen, but he didn't find her.

"The queen will arrive in a few minutes," Katarina murmured, as if she'd read his mind. "It's expected of royalty to make a grand entrance."

Levi hummed, his eyes scanning the space once again. If the queen wasn't here, he had no reason to be, either. He didn't know any of these people, aside from the other participants – who weren't exactly his friends – and he'd never enjoyed socializing with strangers.

"So what are we supposed to do?" he muttered.

Katarina glanced down at him and grinned. "Mingle."

Levi's lip curled in disgust.

"Hey – don't give me that look," she drawled, looping her arm through his, the grin never leaving her face. "I know you're not the most...outgoing person. Actually, you're probably the least outgoing out of everyone here. And you tend to give off a really cold vibe –"

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