Chapter 15: Levi

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One of the male omegas was sent home after the medical exam. No one presented a reason to the other participants, but they assumed he couldn't safely bear children. Now, their number was down to five.

That afternoon, they began their lessons.

Levi hadn't seen the Dowager Consort since she appeared in the dining hall months ago. When they entered the sitting room, she stood in the middle of the space, chin lifted and watching them with cold eyes. She was still draped in black, and she seemed to suck all light out of the room.

"You are here," she muttered in a quiet voice than nonetheless carried across the entire space, "because one of you will be the next Royal Consort. Some people..." She paused while her eyes met each of theirs in turn, and her lip curled subtly in distaste. "...believe that means being pampered every day of your life. It does not. Some people believe it means wearing lavish clothing and makeup and letting everyone tell you how pretty you are. It does not. Even continuing the royal line, though an essential duty, is not the whole of your role.

"Your role is to be a reflection – of your queen and your country. From the moment you are chosen until the moment you die, the eyes and ears of the world will be upon you. Your posture, your manners, your behavior – all of these tell them something about this family and Alabaster, whether you intend so or not. One frown from you could lower the morale of our entire nation. One thoughtless word could start a war. The balance of countless lives hinges on how you choose to speak, how you choose to behave. And you will choose well."

That sounded like a threat if Levi ever heard one.

"You will choose to reflect your queen's graciousness and wisdom, and in doing so, you will earn her the respect and admiration she deserves. You will choose to reflect the values and joy of our country, so the world may see how we prosper. You will be a symbol. An ideal. You will be perfect."

Levi wondered if this would be the entirely of their lessons – a practice in not rolling his eyes while she made pretentious speeches.

She lifted her chin. "It is my role – the role of the Dowager Consort – to make you so. And I shall, even if some of you present more of a...challenge." Her eyes lingered on Levi, and he stared straight back.

She held his gaze for several seconds before looking to the others. "We have no time for games. You will do what I say, when I say, without argument. Is that understood?"

Katarina's "Yes, Lady Gemini," earned her a look that almost could've been described as approving. Levi wouldn't have been surprised if the Dowager Countess favored her. She was born and bred for this – and likely a much more suitable match for the queen in the Dowager Countess' eyes.

On another note, Levi was mildly surprised to hear her name. He'd never heard anyone say it before. He'd never even thought of the Dowager Countess as someone who would have a name. She seemed perfectly content to live and breathe her title.

Without further ado, Lady Gemini stated, "Let's begin."

During that first "lesson", she spent the entire hour making them stand still while she silently judged them one at a time. The expression on her face ranged from mild distaste to outright disappointment. Even Katarina didn't earn anything close to a smile.

Levi guessed it had something to do with parental protectiveness. Lady Gemini likely thought none of them were good enough for her daughter. However, she probably hated Levi the most, given the obvious class gap between him and the queen – as well as everyone else in the Choosing.

Her lessons quickly became Levi's least favorite part of the day. Much of the "etiquette" she taught them seemed like arbitrary bullshit. Still, he tried his best to do well, if only for the queen's sake. Even so, he was never good enough for the Dowager Consort.

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