Chapter 18: Levi

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When they eventually made their way out of the garden, a small crowd was waiting for them. Levi was momentarily surprised to see Katarina, her painted lips spit into a wide and knowing grin – but then he wasn't. Of course, her earlier vague comments and behavior all made sense now.

Katarina was the second to hug him, after Hanji had her chance to lift him off the ground and scream.

"You knew," he muttered into her ear.

She pulled back, and her grin became impossibly more self-satisfied than usual. "Well, the queen and I may have had more than a...passing interaction this morning."

"Of course, you did." Levi glanced around, noticing one face was absent. "And Hugh?"

Her expression softened. "The queen spoke with him after me. He's already on his way home."

Levi hummed, not sure how else to respond. He hadn't known Hugh well, but from what he'd seen, the other omega was decent enough. He hoped Hugh wasn't taking it too hard.

"But you're engaged!" Katarina squealed, yanking him from his thoughts. "How do you feel?"

His eyes fell to the ring on his finger, then flicked to the queen at his side. Stayed. "Spectacular."


Preparations had already started for the royal wedding; they'd been underway since the Choosing was announced. Even so, there was much left to do, and the invited foreign dignitaries needed time to travel to Alabaster. Thus, the date was set for two weeks from the night of the queen's proposal.

The morning after said proposal, Lady Gemini arrived at Levi's room, striding inside without an invitation as if she owned the place. Levi stood ramrod straight out of habit and watched her warily. He'd never been alone with her before, and he had no clue what to expect – other than that her reason for cornering him was certainly the proposal.

"The queen spoke with me yesterday. Told me of her plans," Lady Gemini muttered in a curt tone while fixing Levi with her hawklike stare. "It daughter thinks quite highly of you. I sincerely hope you live up to her expectations."

Levi held the Dowager Consort's gaze. And...either he was hallucinating, or her face exhibited less distaste for him than usual.

"I will," he stated.

She regarded him for another long moment, then abruptly turned on her heel. "Your lessons will continue. I expect you to learn quickly and well. And remember, you don't outrank me yet."

Her stern words sounded strangely like a peace offering – or as close to one as Levi would ever get from her, anyway. "Yes, Lady Gemini," he muttered as she strode out the door.


The second day after the proposal, Levi's mother arrived at the palace, along with Furlan and Isabel and all their meager possessions. As the Royal Consort's immediate family, they'd live at the palace. They'd never want for anything again.

Levi was outside waiting when their carriage pulled up to the front of the palace. As soon as the door opened, his mother jumped out and hugged him with more force than her petite body should've been able to muster. Levi hugged her back just as tightly.

After a solid minute, she pulled back and cupped his face. "Oh, look at you! The Royal Consort!"

Levi's cheeks warmed. "Not until the wedding, Ma," he uttered, his gaze flicking to the side.

She smirked, as if this were an insignificant technicality. "How are you feeling about...well, everything? Are you happy?"

His expression softened, and his eyes met hers once more. "Yeah. It's...been a whirlwind, honestly. But I'm happy."

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